How Do You Best Change & Grow? Clearing the Dross

The Soul Savvy monthly video highlighted two soul themes. First, Fire of the Phoenix / Clearing the Dross. Next, in preparation for the Equinox time period, Second, The Green New Ground. OK so how do we best change, grow and clear the dross? And what the hell is dross? All be revealed in this blog.

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of Dross is – “the scum or unwanted material that forms on the surface of molten metal”. In Your Dictionary, they add: waste matter; worthless stuff; rubbish. Love it when words capture something with such verve – Scum! Rubbish! Ha, no hedging there.

So if the Soul Savvy Soul Theme for this time of early September 2020 is Clear the Dross – how do you burn that shit in Phoenix’s fire? How do you determine, what needs to go? How do you best step up to your spirit’s expansion plans?

Let’s look at it quickly because it’s already September 2nd today.

Answer one: Stop, be still, and chill – with this question.
OK I’ll do this with you, reader. I missed my morning meditation so killing two birds here. Bad saying… Stop for a moment, and center. Breathe. Rise above your life briefly, about 10,000 feet – ok, 500 feet will do. Look at the big p citure. What’s not working? What needs to go, or … In the ideal picture, what would be fantastic to release or establish, as you move into September 202? OK I’ll shut up, take a few breaths to get some impressions.

Example – in my case, I’ve been working too much this last six months. I’ve already taken steps to change this and October I’m establishing a new schedule. You too may have already taken steps on something you knew had to change. Most know, when they look, hey, this isn’t working. So see what intuitions you received here. Think of one or two next steps you could take. One might be just exploring your ideas further, maybe speaking with someone who cares about this change zone. OK, great going.

Answer two: Try these coaching tools

Usually when you start a coaching program, you’ll complete a Wheel of Life or Life Wheel. You rate important areas of life, in terms of your level of satisfaction, on a scale of 1-10. Then if this wheel were fleshed out with spokes as wide as your ratings, you’d either see a quite smooth ride, or major bumps in your life wheel transportation method.

There is also a Self-Care Wheel here for you – a little different, and quite revealing. With thanks to Genuine Coaching.

So go ahead and print these out, and see how your life and self care wheels look. This may also help you figure out, what is really draining or sucking my life force and motivation now? What areas are great? What areas need some TLC or time? You may be on track and content with your current status, or there may be some tweaking needing. These wheels can give you additional intel. Spy away.

Example: When I did this, I had one area that was a 1. In terms of my life wheel ride, this vehicle would need some new shocks. Probably new tires, and heck, that engine may have really been hurting. You get the picture. Yes, this area will get some attention now.

3 – FUN STUFF – Do the Phoenix fire ritual

You’ve heard of this one. Write the thing or things down you want to banish or clear. Get that fire going or light it up on the stove (careful, it’s wildfire season). Let this symbol of fire help you honor your intention and desire to expand. Aho! Harumph! You go girl! etc.

OK, that should be enough intel to get you going here. Pick 1-2 actions to take. Let me know how it goes, OK?

And please, tell me how your Life vehicle or intuitive intel thinks you’re doing in the comments. All rides welcome – including inspiring and challenging stances. I’ve got a good mechanic too.

Big blessings in the coming of Fall 2020. What a freakin’ year, huh?

Denise Barnes, Soul Savvy Colorado

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