Sept ’20 Soul Theme – Mid Month Update

Each month we check in intuitively with the soul guidance for the month ahead. Sometimes we’ll check in mid month for updates and reminders. September’s Equinox approaches; in the past this would have been a big ritual time for the community. This month, we keep getting how important it is to take time to check in with the big picture, and adjust your day to day as needed. Namaste.

Sept 2020 Soul Themes and Tools – Mid Month Update

See the original video and intuitive write up for Sept 2020 Soul Themes & Tools

Take the time. Take the time to stop. To listen. A shift is afoot, under your feet, but you will miss it, without the pause. So before you leave and crossover into the official marking of the fall season next week, stop for a check in. Your Equinox check point, a time of great ritual in the past, asks this.

What’s not working? What needs to be released? How will this be done? Example: Denise working too hard, too long, too much on weekends. It was timely for the quarter but a new schedule needs to be born now. How to do this? She received permission to shift hours at the day job; she will not take new therapy clients for this quarter, she will plan each day and each week, and count hours to track the amount of time spent. She will also plan, aho, social and fun time.

Alternatively, what has not been happening that needs to be included? What has been missing to the soul’s dismay? Example: Denise not having time for creativity. For writing songs, for singing, for creation of any kind not related to livelihood. There is a CD project, there are songs in the wings. Even one hour a week will satisfy this need; it will advance this aspect of the soul work.

The Green New Way beckons, what we’ve called the Equinox doorway, after Equinox. Part of your clearing and reorienting now is needed to ensure that the fertile, lush carpet of Equinox will greet  you. This timely reflection will lead to other auspicious connections and synchronicities in the months ahead. 2020 has more to give and gift – not all of it will be welcome or smooth. Do you work to ensure your foundation is stable and flexible. That no matter what the outer environment, you’ll be on track with what you came to do now.

Also a timely ritual is pausing to give thanks for all that has gone before, all that’s brought you to the here and now. Here is the Crossing the Bridge to the New meditation, a video taken in one of my favorite places in nature.

The Soul Tool – Remember Recovery Time

With each effortful time period, balance it with recovery space. There is a long game afoot of the societal transformation – it will not be done this year. There is the shorter game of how you’ll be facing 2021; what you will complete, what will be ready next. Each phase of time has its projects and goals.

Take time to rest during each day and each week. Name the productive period’s length, and the recovery time’s length. We do like this method you are using. Recovery time; what do you do? Whatever feeds you. And watch what works well (yoga, walk outside) and what not as well (games). Remember it is rare that it works well to work every single hour and minute of the day. Take time to smell, and commune with, the flowers, the nature around you, the water nearby.

There is the short daily recovery time and the bigger needs here, which would be days of vacation.  Planning particular enjoyable outings with friends and family. Find the ways now that nourish, in this differently watered landscape. It is not the same and not as simple, but there is room for creativity. Use it proactively.

This is the point of this month’s work – and most of the work of the Soul Theme suggestions. To be proactive in this time of great change, so you are meeting the waves as best you can. Rather than getting hit sideways by a sizable ocean wave, you are watching. You are aware. You can dance and dive to your heart’s content. Aho, amin. Amen and blessings to you.

Productivity experts at Productive Flourishing discuss the 4 blocks of time, including the Recovery block, and offer free planners.

To find out more about Intuitive Readings with Denise, see this page.

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