Business Unusual: Resources and the Riots

Greetings friends and readers. My last post was posted on Memorial Day 2020, before George Floyd’s death. Since then… (moment of silence; let’s take a pause to breathe, to integrate), a lot’s been happening. Business unusual. And, this revealing feels necessary. This unrest, outrage; this explosion to say, “No More! Enough!”

And it’s pointed out, this is all happening while dealing with Covid. My meditation today noted, there is a battle raging. And we were already at war, due to this pandemic. Somehow, that seemed helpful to note. The first step of stress management is to look at what is.

And this is where a lot of stress mgmt and time management falls apart. Where it loses effectiveness at times. For example, you may have had a next quarter business plan or June plan, right? And now? Very hard to focus. Hard to have the same excitement about inviting others’ attention.

More importantly, emotions and historical pain are running high. Yes, emotions and dark thinking often can block progress and momentum for creatives and entrepreneurs. Yet there are times a pause is very needed. This is where spiritual time management can work better than any left brain, OCD authors’ takes on how to wrestle your negative mindset back into shape.

From the SoulSavvy perspective, a time of healing is here. The timing was not predictable, and that’s OK. This is where you adjust your timeline, and adapt to what’s being asked. The question continues to be:what’s your role? How can you bring your gifts to the table in this new Now?

And, how do you heal your own trauma? This can be triggered big time, in times like this. I felt some of that. And trauma retriggered? It compromises your presence, your focus, your momentum – on things that matter.

Let me share another gem from this morning’s meditation, from The Book of Runes by Ralph Blum, a divination tool from the Icelandic tradition. From the rune Eihwaz, pg. 78:

There appears to be blockage in your path, but even a delay may prove beneficial. Do not be overly eager to press forward. This is not a time or situation in which you can make your influence felt. Patience is the counsel Eihwaz offers. Nothing hectic, no acting needy or lusting after a desired outcome. This Rune speaks to the difficulties that arise at the beginning of a new life. Often it announces a time of waiting – for a spring to fill up with water,  for fruit to ripen on the bough. (underline mine)

Reader, I’m supposed to be hiking right now – or well, I was supposed to be done hiking right now, lol. But I slept longer. I was struggling to know, what is my part in this uprising? What are actions I can take to support my brethren of color? How can I be cleared enough to act, with my own ethnic history of oppression and my own traumas of discrimination as a formerly poor white woman? The history that includes oppression when my peeps migrated to the US after the potato famine? When arriving Irish men/families without $200, were shipped off to fight in the Civil War, leaving women unprotected in the slums of NY? (Gangs of New York movie)

No, that history may not compare. It’s not comparable to the percentage of black male brothers in prison. And, guess what. My brother’s in prison. And that in my mind goes back to healing the darkness in my own family’s ethnic legacy.

That’s why it seems to me, this may be bigger than it appears, with the main issue fought against, police oppression of people of color. Perhaps we’re all being invited to shine this intense and timely light on our own heritage’s darkness, our own history of oppressing and being oppressed.

My biggest clue for what action I can take – as it will continue to unfold – well, patience came up as the quality needed this morning too. (That before the rune was picked, OK, double emphasis.)

And also, a willingness to learn. I have a lot to learn about racism and about my unconsciousness about it, due to my own ethnic trauma / challenges that were carried through generations after the potato famine.

Often that is how division and injustice continues, when you are so concerned with survival that you can’t look at the bigger picture. You miss the obvious that your awareness and active participation could help shift. You’re so busy, and perhaps threatened, that your available time/energy/ attention is limited.

It’s time though. And there is information (resources below) for this learning. Of course, that education time might need to displace something else on the plate, in time mgmt. smarts. That may not work right now, to take on a new educational or activism project. (And there’s quicker ways to contribute. Prayers / holding energy and support do count.)

And that’s OK too, because what’s most important, at least spiritually speaking?

Staying with your heart. Feeling this pain of our country and brethren. Today for me that meant foregoing the hiking plan and exploring my feelings, catching up to my heart. Coming here to speak with you. It meant compiling the excellent resources below from leaders I trust and perspectives I find helpful. It means buying a book from the NYT list and starting that education thread I may continue for life.

And it means showing up to all of the humans in your world. I have a view, and I give my opinion, for example, on mask wearing while hiking… when I do hike, lol. Yet one of the experiences lately that most touch me and feel most successful? A conversation I had with someone with very different views on Covid mask-wearing. He was on the trail with his young daughter. Interestingly, I had first shared my insider knowledge about the trail (I usually keep quiet on that). Then I mentioned masks – he shared, and I shared, and we walked away peaceful, though our views were very different.

This will unfold for all of us. Just as there are very well meaning and good-hearted police and other humans all around us, let’s do what needs to be done and stay present.

You may be asked to speak up, to show up, or to shine a peaceful compassionate light on someone in your world, as this new world is going through its birth contractions and flailings.

The old saw take care of yourself first applies,  like I did this morning. It didn’t fit the big plan, but it helped me face what truly matters, even though that wasn’t on the to do list. I’ll exercise later…

It’s an important time, and it may be an important part of what you came for. Being an awake and compassionate soul right now, feeling and seeing the pain, offering support where you can – don’t underestimate the power of this, even if you’re hunkered down, and staying safer at home.

In summary, SoulSavvy friend – this is it. Here you are. You’re meant to be here. You may not be a front line protester, but your energy is front line. You might be sad and confused about how to help. Know that your work matters, and your presence matters. You may get triggered like me, about other things in your history that need healing – that’s perfect. Let’s do this. Let’s be the change as best we can right now.

Also – don’t forget to take time to release. Release the stress. I’ll put an audio on here shortly for how to do that easily. Short story: have a picture in mind of a good release-valve-type nature picture – say a waterfall, or a wave going back to the sea. When you take a deep breath, exhale and let that picture be like a magnet that draws out your stress. Anything that’s complete. That’s finished. Any emotional fallout that’s done.

Your deeper brain and your robust spirit will know what’s ready to go – you don’t have to know or have a list. Just take regular time for this, and you’ll feel the benefits.

Namaste friend; thanks for being here.


Mark Silver’s post on educational resources and heart smarts, and why you need to keep on keeping on with your business.

Robert Middleton‘s compilation of heartful comedian videos, Wise Words from Funny People in Troubled Times

Trevor NoahStephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers

Today’s New York Times newsletter brief with article/facts about mass incarceration of black men, making sense of science articles by following scientist’s social media accounts.

NYT’s book review’s list of 24 chapters that “tell the history of anti-black racism in the United States as painfully, as eloquently, as disturbingly as words can. In many ways, they also tell its present.” This can help the black history education project.

for White People and Parents – tons and tons of good stuff here.

Share your thoughts and how this is impacting you.

In truth,


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