I was out of town for what is being called Great Flood of 2013 in Colorado. Watching from afar has…
In my work with intuitive and creative professionals, it is clear there are always growth edges. Doing your soul work…
The spiritual side of money work can involve deep healing. I have a new appreciation for Forgiveness work, said to…
With the upcoming teleclass next week onĀ Soul Inspired PlanningĀ – I wanted to share a story about when intuition surprises you.…
Greetings fellow traveler, Whoa baby, here we are. I’m going to take the risk that the world won’t end today…
By the way, the last blog post on Forgiveness matches the December theme of Shaman Lena Stevens of ThePowerPath dot…
“There are times when the seas seem to rise up and threaten to capsize you. Those are the moments to…
At a networking meeting recently, Janet (name changed) was asking group members, “Don’t you find that it’s hard to get…
A while back I reviewed a book on tape by Edwene Gaines, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity: A Simple…
The stars of my Soul Fired Client Attraction Mastermind group are hot on the trail of courageous connection to new…