Holding Peace in a Divided Time: What’s Your Soul Say?


October 2020’s Soul Theme, the intuitively chosen area for inner/outer work, is “Holding Peace” (see the monthly video here). Well, how the heck do you do that in our tomato-throwing (if we’re lucky) present day dividedness? You’ll still have to form YOUR unique soul approach, but read on for some ideas.

Adviso: Before reading, put this song on in the background – Steve Conn, Love Everybody.

I have a friend who is sensitive to the signs of her aging. She notes h ow her hands and nails are less supple. Her various body wrinkle evidence requires many facial and miracle cream treatments. I don’t see any of my own aging evidence usually. OK maybe those circles under the eyes or wrinkles on the photo raise my brows. But mostly I appreciate my selective ignorance here. Can I throw the backpack on and walk 30 miles in 4 days? Wonderful. Do my teeth still work? Right on.


I wanted to share my reactions, in service of showing my way of holding peace. Caveat here: please know, we all have different soul missions and paths – requirements and unique expressions will vary. Yes, try this at home. Explore these ideas in service of getting your own approach clarified. For example, my lovely friend/s are helping me see and define my soul’s truth about aging and politics – no small matters.

OK so – I did have a strong reaction, on several levels. I felt her fear/anxiety – and get this. The energy of it? Felt very similar to the energy that the CIC was putting out. The fanning of fear flames, basically. Weird. And makes sense, right? That these would feel similar. That’s the trouble now, both sides of the tug of war are well… in similar energy suits.

Next, intuitively I got that this threat of violence isn’t going to be a thing. Somehow, I didn’t have the fear or worry. Intuitions can be wrong; more accurate to say, all the information may not be here/clear yet. I didn’t have much detail yet, just the sense that this would be a non-issue.

What, will the witch be dead? Will it just be very clear that his loss is not a result of botched mail and all the other nonsense set up in advance to question the accuracy of said inevitable loss? I don’t know yet. But the evolution out of tRumpland feels inevitable to me, no matter what tantrumic interference and static is being raised.

Note: tantrumic is not the same as tantric – though it may be similarly devotional.


Side note: if there is violence of any kind, some of my tribe, including myself, are ok with dying. (If we’re the target, not the instigators. OK, speaking for myself here.) Particularly the older, childless ones. Don’t worry if this is not you now – we need good parents and elder caregivers etc. But that is part of the deal here – death ain’t as scary as it used to be. And it can have mercy. And how things appear in this world is like, 17% of what’s really happening… Right? From the soul’s point of view, everything in front of your corneas is quite questionable.


Death can be distracting at first, it’s true. Let’s cut to the chase and name other reasons to be fear-less, or have less of it.

1) The Evolution is Inevitable – Light workers, that merry though depressive band, won’t let the COVID19 transformation dance card be ignored. Change is demanded now, on all levels. Be part of the change or get out of the way. Or pass me the face cream at least.

2) This comes from my therapy background, learned from fierce and edgy boundary-making with psychotic patients. When a psychotic (not based in reality) patient makes threats, they do not necessarily crossover and join the real world. Half the time they may not really be truly scary if you hang with the patient in a heartful way. Said threats can be handled in various ways, another topic. But a tantrum of a departing despot is still a tantrum. And there are good cops. Amen. And we’re not afraid to die, some of us grey though colored hair ones. And and and, lots of potential ands here. Add yours please.

3) Social media, which my lovely friend acknowledges unhealthy input levels of, fans the flames. I am mostly unplugged from this. Due mostly to my hell-bent soul mission to attend to what really matters, before my death. OK, I choose a more mundane screen addiction, stupid card games. Hey! I’m doing important soul work, give me a break here…

Jeesh, what’s all this death talk? Didn’t expect to see the scythe so present in this rap.


4) Other death notes: We’re not the first to be prepared to die for democracy. Some of us may also be tired, let’s admit it. When I hit 50, it was a turning point. The “beam me up Scotty” beacon was activated. Not that I wished to go necessarily. But at that time, I was able to drop off a large piece of my type A ego that insisted, “I have so much important stuff to do”. La dee freakin’ dah. Well, yes, I have some soul work I set up. But yeah, No! To that egoic tone of voice / attitude / self-importance. I can die at any time now, methinks. Then, I’ll help from the other side, where so much help is supporting us now.

5) Finally, there’s a bigger field I feel growing than that which the Proud Boys are walking in, bless their hearts. I am grateful to be part of that bigger, kinder, growing field that knows climate change is real. That knows racial, class and gender injustice is losing steam. The growing field that is fanning the flames, and spreading the light of peace. Aho, yoo hoo and woop de doo. Who knew? It would be this … hmmm… what it is. I’ll spare you any labels, and let you find your soul dance card and approach to this wild now.

Wild. I let one label fly there. It’s a wild time, and a great time to practice peace. To hold your own, so to speak.

Now I’ll face some fear on my home front. Of posting what I really think here, lol, in the Soul Fool for Goddess version, versus marketing speak. And add Love. To smile and imagine that this human realm can really shift to be more inclusive, compassionate, and whole. Let’s do this, peaceniks. You crazy fools. Crazy in that good way.

Here is an inspiring quote – what he’s sayin’
“If you watch the news more than you meditate, pray, or engage in spiritual study, you may be in trouble! That means you have narrowed your perception to such a degree that you are being hypnotized by the limited points of view from an old, dying paradigm which you believe is real. Step out of that dynamic. Re-enchant your imagination to where you see, work for, and carry the frequency of the world you want to live in.” – Michael B. Beckwith

Denise Barnes, MA, LPC, Rev empowers sensitives and empaths to stay on the trail of their soul mission leading to a fearless and joyful life, even alongside chaos and reverse evolution rampant in the collective. She does some part time comedy, of which they said, keep the day job.

PS More to say on this topic. Stay tuned for part 2. Sign up for the Soul Savvy News (1x month unless it’s crazy ass times like these – but then not more than 2x mo) on the right.

PSS Making fun with the unfunny? There is a long tradition here and it can be especially helpful with authoritarian neofascistic devolution. See this article and let’s get those funny bone tail feathers flyin’.

PSSS This whole energy/soul vibration vs social media fear fanning brought up a great discussion with said friend. That’s another way to hold peace, speaking to vibrational disconnects with people you care about. You don’t have to give that care to the proud boys or anonymous FB trolls per say… (More in part 2.) But you might want to stay connected with family and friends across the divide, in whatever small ways you can. There is no law against secret prayers and virtual hugs, luckily. But maybe not the flower in the rifle barrel quite yet (stay tuned). That’s the advanced yoga position…

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