Report from the Field #1

It was a great first day of Soul Savvy Open House week. Here are lessons learned and thoughts to ponder, from Monday.


The first telephone group intention was to support each other to take on some decluttering, or other task that was not getting done, that needed to be. We named our three main areas, and then invited intuition and higher intelligence to bless our plans.

In all three cases, this inner intelligence asked for more meditation, for a return to mindfulness, or dancing. (!) At least, this was the initial redirection. Other insights that came of the hour together:

  • there is too much chaotic energy around my to do list
  • after a walking meditation, one area of decluttering happened spontaneously and easily
  • dancing led to yoga, led to relaxation, led to seeing the next tasks of the day with more spaciousness

I will be curious to see what tomorrow’s soul savvy work group will entail… I sense that this more mindful beginning may lead to more clarity and productivity from here.


In an individual session, I was struck by a common theme of the challenge in receiving. It’s an important area to be nimble in, with creating soul savvy, sustainable income. In a few cases I have seen lately, the body manifests the first waves of struggling to receive abundance. Why is it such a struggle? Partly, the new abundance that wants to land first need to clear any old beliefs that are in contradiction to the new ease.

Some of these beliefs may include:

  • You must work hard, life’s a beach and then you die, ease cannot be completely trusted
  • If I step into my full power, Oh Lordy there will be hell to pay or _________________ (fill in blank, including:)
  • If I receive this abundance, I will leave those I love and care for behind, or (______ other ways this won’t work)
  • This new place of abundance, etc., is unknown, out of my control, and impossible to juggle with the current


1) There is a balance between having the open, unscheduled space of creativity this week, as well as making time for critical tasks that need doing. (Part of this week’s theme is taking action in stuck areas of inertia that are holding us back, so we can reestablish even a modicum of momentum, and reconnect with what our souls are asking of us now; small steps do wonders.)

IDEA: Try meditating, and inviting in the heart / higher intelligence / right brain input on tasks, a few days in a row

Take a few moments before the work of the day to connect with higher intelligence, and ask for input about the most important tasks. Track what happens if this plan is different from what you thought. If you have a more spacious day or approach, see how the next day unfolds – and just make a few notes this week on what you find.

2) Flush out the old beliefs by expressing the contraction – then open to receive

Our bodies may be taking a toll in our work of straddling the old and the new ways that are evolving. Yet this can be a brilliant inroad to explore the old beliefs ready to be released. The universal themes are asking that some general areas of what I yesterday termed “human corruption” to be cleansed. (OK a bit of a heavy term; it may mean things like survival of the fittest giving way to sharing, for example.)

IDEA: If you find yourself in a struggle, or in fear, or with a body part that is hurting as a possible energetic expression related to the current dynamics of evolution, get curious and playful. Take a half hour to act out the energy underneath the pain, to explore what beliefs might need to be respectfully sent into retirement.

For example, I have had my left side expressing nerve pain for some months – and this happened to be about the time a new yet strange (i.e., unusual avenue of) abundance came into my life. When I let this side and area of the body move, and let it have a voice, it expressed the old belief initially:

Idleness is the devil’s plaything (or whatever that old wives’ tale was) – complete with a scary menacing voice

Oh yes, that has some ancestral history. And once this voice and dynamic was expressed, it was not very powerful, and it became clear that it’s bogus. So this is the type of work to clear the old way. It may have a few steps and a few voices as it loosens, as it lets go. My left side continues to have a few different voices – fear of being  powerful, etc. Now it is clear there is an unfolding, that reminds me of a wing. From an arm to a wing then? Stranger things have been asked of us, on this road of stretching from human to light being.

Does any of this ring true for your current earth walk? Would love your comment below.


We still have three more phone groups, and there are also a few individual sessions left – all free for Open House week.

Full info here

Individual session times left

Note: unless you get an email that confirms your time, you missed a step – please try again until you get the email!

AND Global / European subscribers – These times may not work, please suggest a time that can work for you in a separate email – denise at soulsavvy dot net.

Group call schedule

Note: all of these work parties are one hour long – EXCEPT FOR SATURDAY 8/23 which is TWO HOURS LONG.

Monday 8/18 – 9:00 am Mountain time (8 pacific, 10 central, 11 eastern)

Wednesday 8/20 – 10 am Mountain time (9 pacific, 11 central, 1 eastern)

Thursday 8/21 4:00 pm  Mountain time (3 pacific, 5 central, 6 eastern)

Saturday 8/23 10 am Mountain time ** until NOON mountain (9-11 pacific, 10-12 central, 12-2 eastern)

At the appointed time, just call this teleconference line:

1-641-715-3620 – Enter access code and # sign: 561095#

Blessings and appreciation ! 

Denise Barnes

PS join the Soul Savvy Facebook page to hear the ongoing reports from the field

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