July 2014 Energy Report

I am grateful to say that my channeling continues to be a fun experimentThis started for me in 2013, after years of interest that I finally followed up on. As you can perhaps tell by the above quote, there is humor! And the words used are unexpected or things I rarely use – like skedaddle…
It’s my sense that this is a time for ALL to be playing with intuition, channeling, energy healing – and other alternative formats. If this calls to you, maybe it’s time to play! I would love to share how I got started – quite simple really. So reply back to tell me a bit about your own interest in channeling and psychic work, if this applies. Perhaps a teleclass?
I always intend to transcribe these but this holds me up in getting them to you – so I will provide a summary instead here.
The recording is about 14 minutes.
Clearing and lightening our loads
So to prepare for the next stages/steps
“Disaster” prep (a 2014 theme) simplified
Sharing abundance of summer
Family work; uncertainty wisdom for kids
The guides invited you all to send questions – these would be universal themed-q’s versus personal ones. Feel free to send these and I will respond on the Soulsavvy FB page, where this newsletter is also posted.
Big blessings for your midsummer dreams,
Here is the Recording:
I welcome questions after listening, of a universal nature, if so inclined or if you are scratching your head on any points. I am also available for individual consult needs.

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