Wow, it’s September again. That time of bountiful harvest, changing weather, and falling leaves. The time to wonder how much more you will create this year, before another year rolls on in.
Fall is a great time to check your progress with your soul work. Must be that going back to school energy. You think about the areas you really want to be making progress in, and what really matters.
And if you’ve been drifting, or forgetting (or wishing to forget) the mission, or listening to the fear too much, it’s time for authentic action.
It’s so easy to talk yourself out of taking right action
Even if you’re not a soul inspired creative type, who tends to be a Highly Sensitive Person, and/or/aka a Light Worker – our egos freak out over change. Never mind when you want to step into your true work or passion! If I’m on the brink of evolution, my ego can just freeze me up, where I go into high anxiety mode for no apparent reason, and I can’t think straight. Then there is the second guessing, and the self-doubt, which appears so sensible in its cautioning. Before you know it, that bright idea and sweet creation has died a quiet but resounding death. I’m stuck, and usually questioning it all.
Thank goddess for my mastermind group
After years of working together, we know each other’s “doubt diva dialogues”. We are familiar with the fears that come up, and even their roots. In our sacred circle of sanity, any statements comprised of BS instantly stink – loudly. One email can take me back to authentic action, and a phone meeting can shift a frozen frown to a compassionate chuckle in no time. The shift feels deep and as if it heals across time. Damn, my ancestors must love us! Never mind seven generations down the line…
Mastermind groups are not new, and Soul Savvy ones are a new breed
Napolean Hill, Think and Grow Rich author, is one of the dudes that popularized Mastermind type groups, but they go way back. It’s a simple concept of getting support, and hanging out with positive influences that might make you stretch, that might be a step ahead.
Still, each time I am faced with a new edge, I get scared. I feel embarrassed I can be so inept, and require so much reminding of my strengths, and accomplishments. Each time, I wonder if our circle of sanity will be able to help me break through my ice floe and my negativity.
Sometimes I think it’s ridiculous that I am yet again mired in doubt. (Uh yeah, same story… boring!)
Sometimes I think I must not be capable, despite my clear sense of my soul’s calling. (Dream, what dream? Oh that.)
And sometimes it’s just damn uncomfortable to keep growing, and stretching into the mission. (Yet the alternative is more painful – thanks Anais.)
In the end, I’m not even sure it’s about success as it’s usually defined. It is about courage, and self-love and compassion, and a connection with soul that transcends earthly matters. When I follow that next soul mission step and take authentic action, I know I am moving in the direction I designed, maybe before this latest birth. Maybe a long damn time ago. Whatever, I can’t ignore it anymore.
What makes an Authentic Action Mastermind Group work?
The successes of my Mastermind are wondrous. Our group has increased meaningful work while growing income, substantially. Members have been able to take sabbaticals during which they accomplished deep shifts in life long patterns that didn’t serve them. We give each other regular support and feedback on marketing work and new offerings. Our process together instantly highlights our next steps and truths, providing clarity and healing to patterns that would otherwise keep us on the sidelines whining or feeling lost. I’m so thankful that I have this in my life. It makes the soul work fun! (And no, we weren’t meant to do it alone… that would be such a drag!)
What makes Soul Savvy Mastermind groups work so well? A few things stand out right away.
1. The Sacred Circle is a spiritual, multi-dimensional, container of truth
The ways you talk yourself out of authentic action can be subtle, varied and plentiful. On your own, they can seem convincing. In a sacred circle that begins with spiritual practice, and connects your mind/body/spirit, fear and doubt sound like – well just what they are. BS. It falls flat. It’s busted. You pick up where you left off, or know what the next step is. You make room for courage and compassion, and keep moving with what’s true, and the next authentic action.
2. It provides more kindness and confidence-building than you usually give yourself
Your own voice and energy toward yourself can be harsh without years of therapy and/or spiritual wisdom training. That harshness is not a good learning environment, it turns out. When you join a group like this, you benefit from witnessing other’s deep work and seeing the common challenges. You also tend to give short shrift to any criticism or judgments that show up.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not over indulgent or kind at the cost of truth telling – sometimes loving kicks in the butt are needed too. Most of the time though, the group will ameliorate your own harsh tones and urge you on in a whole new way.
3. It provides a record of what you said you wanted to do, and then yeah, follow up
As noted, you can be very creative in how you “forget” what action you might have wanted to take, when the surf gets going and the high tide arrives. The group will provide structure to check back on your plan, and how it went.
Again, it’s not always so important to achieve “success” or super achievements, but to be able to see what you learned from actions taken. And then, to see what this might mean in terms of your next authentic actions.
And now I invite you to step up
I’ve created a soul savvy mastermind group that’s all about authentic action with your soul work. It will be small, and it will be concentrated. It is for people who have a burning desire to create a contribution, and have an idea about what that is. It’s for when that soul calling is getting damn noisy-
The Authentic Action Mastermind – Starts 9/24
The new program begins on September 24th, and goes for 12 weeks. This time can turn that gnawing feeling in your heart to the snoopy dance of joyful work, the mission more accomplished. Whether it’s doing more writing, public speaking, taking a new direction with work, starting a creative project, or reaching out into a bigger version of what you’re up to, it’s time to take that step into creating more of what matters to you in this life.
We are not getting any younger as the wise crones say… And the way this group supports you will translate to more courage and movement than you could ever know on your own. Plus, the wisdom gained will keep on giving, long after group’s end.
For the juicy details, go here
If this makes your heart and soul go boom, please sign on. Don’t wait too long – There is only room for six adventure seekers.
I love seeing you take your soul mission seriously, and keeping you honest with what matters. If this is the right time to get support for taking action, and to learn the art of masterminding on top of that, I would love to share this sacred circle with you.
PS: Even though your dream/vision/project may feel like ancient history, it’s natural to wonder if you’re clear enough about it, and if it’s really worthwhile to focus on. You can also be super clear and ready to spring forth. Either way, this group will meet you where you are and invite you to join a co-creative process where you commit to growing as a group. You’ll get to relax into your knowing, as well as test the edges of your ideas, as you expand into the next authentic action and the more courageous you.
Here is that link again for details:
Questions? I’d love to hear them – Just ask below.
You can also share your Mastermind experiences.