In my work with intuitive and creative professionals, it is clear there are always growth edges. Doing your soul work is not a flat line path, is it? So, it’s often a good sign when the road ahead surprises you with its swerves, dips and elevation gains. Though negotiating change isn’t simple, the soul purpose path can’t be ignored for long, for those here to make a difference at this wild time.
With each new edge of growth, with each new learning curve, doubt can arise. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have, and how many times you’ve put your gifts out there – the doubt can resurface. Even though it’s an old story, it captivates and attempts to keep you from changing too much.
For some, the very thing that needs doing is the scariest thing to face. Funny how that works. If you listen to the doubt, you’re safe but it’s the kind of safety that doesn’t let you rest in a deep way. The soul’s call will not stop broadcasting.
Luckily, good practices can tell you when you are listening too much to monkey mind. Reminders can help you keep doubt, and monkey mind, at bay – or at least, in perspective.
If this is relevant – here are a few reminders and ideas for keeping that doubt diva from dominating.
Reminder 1: Doubt is superficial; truth and essence are deeper
Though doubt can get pretty loud and seeks your full attention, the sad truth is – doubt is a kind of surface layer phenomenon. It’s like banging pots and pans on your doorstep on NY’s eve – when the true fun is sacred time to reflect and make ritual with loved ones to mark the year’s turning. Those pots and pans get attention, but they’re skimpy when it comes to the real deal.
The essence that runs deeper than the doubt is your truth beyond this life. It is that soul purpose, that spiritual identity that runs through all your lives, all these varied, colorful experiments of learning. So doubt might look like doing breaststroke on the water, and the soul truth is more of that entirely different world when your lovely butt goes up and you dive down deep, or you scuba dive. Good to know that doubt is a superficial, surface layer of what’s happening, though it can be loud and dramatic.
When it starts banging around, you can reconnect to what is going on at that deeper level. For me today for example, it just took a bit a few minutes of meditation. And in short order, my heart said, ready to serve. And the divine feminine energy said, remember the joy of the work. And the divine masculine energy said, don’t forget your idea to be gentle and kind at this portal of change. Nice, and a big help!
And speaking of practices…
Reminder 2: Practices to quell that doubt
If you’re on the spiritual path, you know the importance of having a regular practice, be it meditation, creative work, yoga, prayer, etc. This is a key to staying balanced and grounded when you are navigating new learning curves. Even positive change can be disruptive. Good practices help you release tension and any negative energies that inevitably build up. They help you stay on the path and keep your perspective through adverse currents.
There are many practices to choose from, so yes, choose one – and keep it steady. Some of you have this down – it took me years to create a practice as a five day a week habit. There were so many things to do for creative and spiritual practice, for one thing. And there are, so you can also build a core practice with several elements.
Soul Savvy summary: Doubt not the deepest truth. Dive below its mayhem to find the still waters, and gather your courage to continue.
P.S. If you would like to try a spiritual practice that clears your energy field and enhances your connection to your intuitive wisdom, subscribe to the newsletter for your Energy Grounding Meditation.
P.S.S. There are currently Quantum Leap Coaching and Intuitive Healing packages afoot. See services page or email denise at soulsavvy dot net for details.
Great post, Denise,
And so timely for me. This is the last 10 days of my Kickstarter campaign and what a learning curve it has been. I have contacted over 2000 of my personal connections and only 55 people have come forward with a pledge. I have been feeling abandoned by my friends and family when I have so much riding on the success of this campaign. Doubt? Despair? Expectation?
Fortunately, I do have my spiritual practice that is essential in my life. I don’t know how anyone could live without one. And yes, courage! I believe in miracles and we could make it yet, if many people stepped up and pledged to our Kickstarter campaign and spread the word. We say we believe in uplifting the consciousness paradigm of the world. Our animated Symph-Rock-tronis feature film is a channel to do that. Transformational movies can reach millions in a fun and deeply penetrating way. will you join us with as much as you can? The lowest pledge is $1. There are great rewards, too. We are a large community of Soul Purpose Actualizers and, together, we can move the heavens.
Love to you,
Very nice meditation, Denise.
Good to hear from you Prema, glad this hit home. I will publish this to get the word out here. Blessings, Denise
ed note: The Energy Grounding Meditation – free for subscribers – see side bar to sign on.