How was your September (2019)? In my sector there was an extended late summer for the month, only breaking last weekend with a little bit of rain. The leaf turning time is late this year due to late snows and a wet spring. I’ve never seen wildflower season delayed by more than a full month as it was this year.
So with the topsy turvy world that continues to bebop in heretofore unknown ways, it was nice to catch the calm vibe of equinox. I’m a bit behind to get this to you readers, but never fear, the universe grants three weeks’ slack to the cross quarter day ritual observance. Yes, I just made that up.
And it does linger again now, the sense of late summer – we’re back to that second summer weather. The light is still so brightly, blindingly slanted when you’re driving into sunrise/sunset. The sun’s warmth is tempered, more gentle, than the blazing peak of summer’s heat. And there is this quiet, this stillness I noticed – did you feel that? The colors, the depth of the textures; all combined to a create a calm call to the luminous.
In that vein, here is a brief audio to check in with your inner wise one for the next quarter. Three months or so until solstice, when the coming winter officially arrives. The current time marks the crossing into six months of the more internal side of weather and experience. A good time to stop, and call in / invitingly name what’s next.
To prepare:
Set yourself up for about 10 minutes of uninterrupted time (the Do Not Disturb sign necessary for some of you)
Light a candle, maybe incense or a cleansing smudge
Have paper or your journal to note any findings…
Outside or in, but if inside, you might bring a leaf in or some piece of nature to dwell near you
The audio is 7 minutes long. Take some meditation time to get still, and then listen to this.
After, make any notes of ideas and findings that came up.
Blessings to you and on the miles ahead. Amin, Aho.