Living a Soul-Infused Life

Denise Barnes here, author of the Soul Savvy Net blog, here to introduce myself and tell you the reason behind the blog. You might call me a musician with a day job. A healer by day and performer by night. An endlessly curious learner on a never ending growth plan. Like you perhaps, I’m multi-talented or have a couple of gifts up my sleeve. I’m also one of those HSPs (highly sensitive persons). And, I want to make a difference to this world, and live a creative, fulfilling life. Not an uncommon desire, is it?

Why the blog? You may have noticed, it’s not always easy to do the things you need to do to survive, AND to do the things you love to do. You can find a decent job but then have a hard time managing time and energy to keep progressing on the gifts that are closer to your heart that may not pay as well. Plus there are so many ways to lose track or lose momentum these days – lots of time sucks and recreational escapes that leave you feeling empty. So it can be complicated, creating a life that matters and fulfills. It can be hard to get to those things that mean the most.

These are exactly the types of situations this blog will address. It aims to solve the problems of *how to recognize when a call for change is afoot, *how to hone your ideas that you wish to try out and experiment, * how to tame fear and distinguish when real caution is needed, *How to clear and resolve past experiences that discourage you from taking risks or that block your momentum. Yes, just a few potential challenges there!

The blog will share success stories from those who have been successful taking quantum leaps. Those who have taken something from an idea stage, to completion. It will cover the types of regular practices and support you’ll need to stay on track and maneuver through creating more easily. It will remind you why the pressure of changing and taking risks is worth it and makes life more exciting.

There’s been a lot of change in my life, big and little revisions that led to great and exciting things. Some I chose and some seemed like they chose me. There have been years I felt uninspired and stuck too. When I did a one woman show, it didn’t quite get the acclaim or lead to the next things I’d hoped for. I had that, Frack art! phase for a time. After a while, I realized that wasn’t a good refrain to keep singing. Perspective is everything, and luckily it is adjustable. Learning is always available when you’re open to it.

If you are multi-talented, and feel a pull to share more of your gifts and contribute to this world, sign up on the newsletter to get support,information and inspiration to keep evolving your vision. Each small step (even signing on with soul savvy), keeps you moving toward the increased satisfaction and even joy, of a meaning-packed existence. A life that will leave you smiling and more happily exhaling on your deathbed. If this is one of THOSE lives, there is no time to lose. Jump in while you can! Follow that urge that calls you to grow, to contribute, to delve into the new and unknown.

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