With the upcoming teleclass next week on Soul Inspired Planning – I wanted to share a story about when intuition surprises you. It may change your best laid plans – in a good way. And if we’re all in January mode – for another week – maybe now’s a good time, with resolution fever passed, to really check in – with what you want to be goin’ on next year.
What’s that? You hadn’t heard about next Wednesday’s free Soul Inspired Planning Teleclass? No worries, here is the blurb on that multi-dimensional planning meeting with your Higher Self and Board of soul mission Directors. If you choose to tune in…
Want to tune in to your mind/body/spirit’s Big Picture for 2013? Be surprised by your intuitive info?
An integrated approach to planning that looks through your soul mission’s windshield, as well as all that smart SMART goal stuff. Plus some of the current gossip about whether goals really work, hee hee.
WHEN: next Wednesday evening 1/30/13 for an enlightening approach to planning.
In this group phone session, you’ll experience some enjoyable unconventional planning – and leave with:
- A brief ritual to clear energetic residue of 2012 – a few prayerful sounds
- How to use a BIG FAT dream template, you know, the outrageous ones, to get perspective on the day to day plans
- A practice to help sample the mystery of the soul’s surprising, sometimes counter-intuition (c’mon, surprise us)
- A final plan that’s aligned with your soul purpose. For at least the next quarter. (Quarter at a time, these days…)
So I had a plan to attend a networking meeting one morning, being a good brave lightworker. But after I did an intuitive practice I will share on the call, I was getting a NO on that plan. Then I ran by all the other options from the to do list. And one after the other, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Hmmm, what gives, I wondered. What, should I go to the Teahouse for that wonderful chai? (I was kind of joking.) I get a YES YES YES. No kidding. Hey, I think I kind of like this new practice. So I get a few projects in the briefcase and saunter down the road.
I’m walking up to a corner, and out of the bank door walks a person I’ve had on my networking list to follow up with. She sees me and exclaims, “Denise! I’ve had you on my list to call!” In fact, she’s kept my message in her voice mail to remind herself, and was just about ready to ring me. Guess what. She’s also heading to the Teahouse for this lovely chai.
And we proceed to the Teahouse and sip chai and share a lively, mutually thrilling and beneficial discussion, and several connections of potential resource people to bring along to our projects… And I realize, hmm, this is definitely a meeting that beautifully fills the networking quota of the week. And we agree, if this is the new world, happy day.
You should have seen it – we nearly collided on that corner.
And my friend of this collision noted how auspicious these connections are, and how important it is who shows up in January of the year…
Join me next week, for a final pre-flight check into 2013. Scheduled at a convenient time, let’s hope, for you. Live attendance provides sacred group space. A post call recording will not be distributed unfortunately for this call.
Because this counter intuition thing is pretty cool – and planning with mind alone can be a scary thing (Friends don’t let friends drive with mind alone).
Ready to jump start 2013 with right lighting? Soul lightning? All right all right – you can see I’m jazzed – this will be fun.
Blessings for the new year,
Denise Barnes
P.S. You need to sign up to get access. Even if you’re all done with your year’s plan, it may still be helpful to do some energy clearing, and check in with the sometimes surprising intuitive level.
P.S.S. Wouldn’t it be great if planning could be done with ease, and a bit of magic? And of course, plenty of good chai….
Hope to see and hear you there!
Here is the link to join