Clarity and Clearing – Solstice 2012

By the way, the last blog post on Forgiveness matches the December theme of Shaman Lena Stevens of ThePowerPath dot com – I recommend it.


The cauldron of 2012 has included the usual expected and unexpected ingredients – eye of newt, earth changes, financial adjustments, shifts happening, and closet clearing of the inner and outer kinds. In the seven years I’ve been writing this ezine, there have never been as many times in a year that I have been at such a loss for words. It’s hard to write or see even, when you are in the goo of the chrysalis. I’ve gurgled as best I can, and the dawn of the long night beckons.

You may start to see other articles on visioning and planning for 2013. To me that still seems eons away. These next 16 days are the end of an age, it is said. Here are a few thoughts and helpful frameworks for navigating that famous 12-21-12 passage, we’ll be singing about for years to come.

TEACHINGS FROM THE DARK NIGHT My birthday is winter solstice – 12/21, and after many years of study and service; I realize a big part of my earth walk is as a “dark night of the soul” guide. This is where I am actually comfortable. Not always great at chatting, but helping others navigate financial darkness, life-threatening illness, communication breakdowns, “failure” and redirection is what one colleague calls “plurk” for me – that intersection of work and play. The dark night can be cold, long and hard. Good to be as kind to yourself as possible. Remember the new form is an upgrade you will be usually be forever grateful for.

HELPFUL FRAMEWORKS AND REMINDERS Here are a few reminders and helpful frameworks for what seems whimsically called, the transformation process.

1) Framework: Nature’s five stages.

When nature changes form, it involves stillness and often a passage through darkness. Five stages named are Death, Decay, Fertilization, Gestation, and Rebirth. You might notice that several of these stages can be very disruptive to your workout schedule. The cultural discomfort with stillness and darkness is quite marked at the solstice seasons, when that neon of hectic holidays flashes brightly. At one point in the last month, I had the thought – no wonder 2012 is making us so grouchy. We’re all pregnant! Not only are WE being reborn, but the Earth under our feet as well. Rollercoaster indeed!

2) Framework: This will not kill You.

Death may seem a welcome deliverance when the dark night is squeezing your face against something dank, or when you are in the last contractions of rebirth. This is the bad news – none of this darkness will physically kill you. Yes, your “little me” or parts of it may have to die, and those death and decay cycles take some getting used to.

Part of what is needed now is clearing anything that will not serve the bigger You coming into being. Birth and rebirth are smelly, messy and gut-wrenching. While it’ll be fun and great story material in retrospect, it is certainly not always joyful at the time.

If there have been areas of life and work that do not serve you to sidestep or ignore, or that need to be revisited, guess who’s camping out in your living room. If you are overly identified with an aspect of your reality that needs to shift, release or expand, open the door to humility. If you prefer things under control and neatly folded, welcome to the blur of goo and gurgle.

Metaphorical or internal death and rebirth can be challenging. Good to know that this is exactly what you’re here for. This earth walk is a curriculum you have designed. When it feels beyond challenging, know it is a temporary and worthwhile passage that part of you did choreograph. You are human, but not only that. Hang on, and let the light of your soul balance the pain of the contractions. Friends and fellow birth coaches truly help.

3) Reminder: Balancing solitude with support

These last years have led many to more introversion and solitude. Friendships and community ties may have shifted to more truthful ones, or diminished. Yet the leap to the next age of cooperation, from the paradigm of competition and looking good on the outside, is upon us. Help is available when needed, and this fact is not only tied to your financial abilities of the time.

If you find yourself needing more support, this is a great time to cultivate and grow your community. Others may also need the support of your unique skills. Yes, there is a timeliness to going it alone in part of your transformation, in part of that dark night. Yet, we awaken together. We emerge in pods of light. Strengthening these ties of truth serves us physically, in times of earth rollicking, and spiritually, when we can share our vulnerability, and lend hands and hearts to friends in need.

4) Reminder: Packing light for the portal

Backpacking in the mountains teaches you that every ounce counts. Plan poorly as I have done at times, throwing things in at the last minute and you will have many more pounds on your back, and your joints. That extra weight will make a challenging hike much less fun, and distract you from the beauty at hand.

This Solstice 2012 is a crossing of sorts. We don’t know what it will look like, and it will be different for all of us. Just as energy work can be subtle compared to a massage; this passage may not be as muscularly felt or understood right away. Yet if things are asking to be cleared, you will know it. If you need more clarity about areas of life or work, it will be apparent. If action is needed, it’s not too late.


I know – it’s the holidays. Yet this year more than ever before, it feels best not to be seduced or say yes to anything, ANYTHING, that does not serve your spirit’s needs. Leo Babauta of Zen Habits suggests a No Spending holiday season, for example. I’m doing a food cleanse right now – which can look pretty crazy. It is a sacred time to honor. Even slowing down some practices or habits that don’t serve can help the clearing. What do you need?


For regrets or other challenges, try the book, No Regrets: A ten-step program for living in the present and leaving the past behind, by Hamilton Beazley.

Create a new or “ideal life” daily spiritual practice for the days until solstice.

Plan a solstice ritual or time with your closest soul friends. Plan a retreat day to take stock.

Think about your holiday spending and activities in light of keeping balanced with stillness and quiet.

Pray for the Earth, pray for forgiveness, pray for each other, pray the best prayers of your life.

Remember that Joy is available, and more is on its way.

Amen, and care-filled blessings,


How is this year and the Solstice 2012 gateway hitting you? Share your thoughts below.

Special to Soul Savvy subscribers: Solstice 2012 Clarity and Clearing Readings. Through 12/31/12.

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