The Inconvenience of Eclipses and Soul Missions

Nothing like a lunar eclipse circa 2 am to inject a bit of stillness into the seasonal hijinks. A few less nuts on the road now – hey, I’m on the lawn. Yep, making time for a sunrise or eclipse can sure mess with your schedule. Similarly, leaning into your soul mission can seem like a major PIA (pain in the ass) at first… But like getting up at 2 am, and seeing the wink of white light burst from the coral-shadowed moon – once you lean into that soul mission next step, you get that good, post-eclipse, gourmet-hot-chocolate kind of feeling. Eventually there are less anxiety and regrets…and then it’s much too late to save you. 

It’s not frigid but certainly frosty – Boulder is not in Minnesota. The yoga mat insulates a bit, helped by the pillow and faux fur blanky. Cars occasionally pass by on Broadway, but the loud silence of night is winning on this corner of Mapleton and 13th. Partial eclipse phase takes ninety minutes – then the total phase – then the partial returns. That last round is where the white slice of moon happily peeks from the dark, colored moon. Whoa, that light is blinding. Just like a lightworker fumbling for their mission, and then finding it. Hmmm – fumbles are as frequent as in football – but okay – let’s just keep one metaphor going at a time here.

 I lay there, fumbling through the phases (not realizing the still visible moon was eclipsed – I woke in time for the total phase – but then OH! there’s that white light of moon again). My thoughts rested on how similar the initial inconvenience is, both for getting up in the middle of the night for eclipses, and for leaning into not-yet-illuminated next steps, or ways to play a bigger game, with your soul mission.

 Shall I count the ways these two naturally-occurring cosmic events are similar? Perhaps a top ten list? Well calm your jets … how about five for each side – Five common ground points of eclipses and soul mission lean to’s…


 With lunar eclipses, meteor showers and other creatures of the night you wish to observe – (unless you are a night worker – goddess bless you) you need to yes, get up in the middle of the night. Or stay up much of the night. You can take a nap of course, drink more coffee the next day, or better yet, take the next day off. But you can be sure you’ll need to make some adjustments ahead of time or after the fact, to pull this off with out too much teetering of the hard won life balance. (Ha ha – I know some of you have this… The rest of us can dream.)

 With soul mission wake up calls, you are required to step away from the remote control. Initially, taking steps into the soul mission disrupts the comfort of your well-worn routine and who you used to be. True, these may be yawn raisers or energy drainers, but they’re known. With remote control drops, you may have to begin as a novice again, oh joy – or, step into a way bigger game with your soul work. Just like eclipse viewing, many prefer to stay asleep. But lightworkers kick themselves afterwards, or feel a vague napping sensation which translates into low self worth, depression and/or anxiety. Oh, I meant to say vague nagging sensation – do you see how insidious this soul sleep can be???


 Yesterday, I was glad it was not as cold as today, and that this isn’t North Dakota. Those dedicated eclipse viewers have invented sub-zero, flaming sleeping bags, and seventy inch thick, faux fur lined yoga mats. Heck, even in summer time, you’ll have to deal with the elements, mosquitoes, bobcats and slugs, depending on your climate and whether you forgot your flashlight and fell into the lake. It can be a jungle out there when you innocently plan to view an eclipse. It’s not your 7th grade science project any more – it’s 2010 out there – and we know what that means. Well, no we don’t know what that means quite yet, but … you know what I mean.

 When you step on the soul path escalator – hopefully not at the Mall of the Americas though some of you brave lightworkers may pick even more unfriendly sectors to infiltrate – it can be a real PIA to see old issues that come up to say hello. Why do they get so damn friendly once you lean into your soul mission edge? Do they like escalators? It is really just backhanded compliments they wish to give you – saying, Gee, I’m so glad you have worked on yourself so diligently all these many decades. Time for one more round with vulnerability, on spiral round 16 (you see why classical musicians numbered their pieces). Let’s really get at the heart of your needy feeling – so you can come from a more functional place when you are marketing. Oh yes, those old issues just want to jump up and lick your nose like an eight week old puppy. You can try to say you’re a cat person, but they don’t take no for an answer. Jeesh. The saliva alone is unpleasant, never mind all that growth and learning. Where do they think we are, Earth?


 You’ve gone ahead and decided to sleep through the eclipse. Hey, you work for a living! It’s the holiday season, and it’s been crazy and you know, you’re getting over that cold and you still have Aunt Gertrude’s present to get and the client files to finish. Seen one eclipse – you’ve seen them all. Besides, don’t they have these things on YouTube by now?

 Oh yes, star being in the closet of the earth land, you can try to make excuses. And yes, the darn thing is probably recorded on YouTube,, and But the age old dna of Lemuria and out beyond Pluto – (where did you say you were really from?) will shrink and stammer when you hear your co-worker describe the wonders of their slice of the moon pie, hot chocolate, fur lined yoga mat experience. You’ll get over it. Maybe next time you’ll figure out how to nap or rearrange your schedule.

 With the soul mission side step, there are bigger regrets and unresolved questions, I won’t kid you. Way bigger than sleeping through an eclipse. It may even be worse than those countless lifetimes of unrequited love. Yep, making a lost lover of your soul mission is a deep pain that keeps on giving. It’s much worse than poorly-timed puppy saliva and its early morning, before-coffee enthusiasm. That regret – well, it’s like an eclipse that doesn’t end. The darkness takes over, and all the natives in your dna realize – the catastrophe they feared has finally happened.

 Sorry I can’t soften the blow there… well – I guess there are more lifetimes… At least we think so. Okay, heck we don’t know until we die. That’s when you sit there with all your old buds and they say, So,  why did you stay at Velcro Corp when the traveling circus came by that day? You’ll cry plaintively, THE BENEFITS!! and the echo will eventually die out, you’ll all go to lunch, and them come back and design the NEXT life where you finally join the circus. But you know, it won’t be the 2012 birth canal on that planet in that next lifetime, just so you know. This is a once in 6000 lifetime thing. Approximately speaking. Okay I did make that up, but I used to be a mathematician in a past life. Oh jeesh – he’s saying we really need to get the accurate number on this – time for another 7th grade science project… he won’t listen to the holiday break plea.


 Remember that lifetime in South America? Besides the thrilling jungle hunts, and coffee/coca experiments, another food of the gods was born. This food has begun to be incorporated into eclipse worship circa the last five hundred years. Oh other areas and times also claim to have discovered its magic – no worries. From whence ever it came, you and I get to use it on those cold lunar eclipse nights. I’m talking hot chocolate – and yes, the dedicated use it for many things besides eclipses alone. Soy milk, almond milk, or just plain whole fat dairy milk – and yes, you can have that raw or gluten-free mix too. In this modern day and age, we are no longer uninspired or limited in our cold eclipse viewing.

 Hot chocolate is one thing. But I want you to feel inside, what it’ll be like when instead of crying, THE BENEFITS to your soul buds, and having them roll their eyes and smirk behind their wings, you get to say – Yep. Joined the circus that day. Everyone thought I was mad. At first, I was cleaning elephant poop, but then, I discovered fire dancing and that led to … and then I met … and finally we wrote the book, Unleashing Your True Pension Plan: Lightworkers Just Say No to Retirement. And after that endorsement from Swami Beyondananda – we went viral and founded the Circus Dharma Center with the book money.


 With eclipses, such a feeling of gladness rewards you, long after you’ve stopped sipping your delicious brew under the stars. With the return of the moonlight, and the completion of your brave and uncivilized quest, you are touched by the real, by the ancestors, and by that old fashioned, beyond-the-nose-hair-of-man edge of the veil. You know that there will be no “Houston, we have a problem” messages for the moment.

 When you start or step even higher up, into your soul mission (and I know you might not be sure about what step that is – it is following clues and hunches initially) – after a certain amount of developing comfort with ongoing stage fright and frequent terror, the anxiety lessons. I know, I know, stepping into that needy-ness and fear – and befriending it in ten minutes intervals once you get the soul savvy tools – well this is not everyone’s idea of a good time. However, the pain and yes, sadness, of walking away from the edge the fear is guarding – well that dear reader – it’s even more hard to bear than any discomfort of disturbing soul sleep and cleaning elephant poop. See they have gas masks and things… and erm, it’s really not starting all over and … all that work you’ve done does count!

 It’s just not this bliss bunny ride, following your soul mission. It’s an up and down journey. Dark and light, just like that eclipse. So, you learn how to be constant with yourself through the cycles and rhythms. In your darkest moments, you shower yourself with mercy and compassion, and you rise up back into the light, bright as that freakin’ moon slice. Hey, turn that down, will ya, it’s 2 am in this neck of the woods.

 And you’ll just smile, having shared another mug of Mayan cinnamon spiced dark chocolate soy nutmeg oh-hala, and remembering how good it feels now that you are beyond the first rings of terror and into the yes, yes, this is it! rings. This is part of what I’m here for. I get to do this. Yum, Fun. Amen.


 If no clue, try doing 15 minutes a day anyway.

 If clue-full, do an hour a day of your soul mission practice.

 Pray often. Ask for leads on X question you have. For example, many lightworkers are multi-talented, but might benefit from prioritizing. Ask higher guidance – give me a lead – what shall I make the # 1 priority in terms of soul mission next steps? #2, #3?

 Get an alarm clock. Maybe a watch (that’s so annoying when you keep asking us what time it is). Yes, it is time.

 Find a soul bud to compare notes with now – before that final report is due. Be proactive re: future eye rolls and angel wing smirks.

 Soul Fun Blessings on your solstice season, and your prosperity!

 Did you see the eclipse? Get any special messages about this powerful time? How are you leaning into soul desires? Comment below.

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