On 3/22/21, a Boulder King Soopers supermarket was the scene of a mass shooting. Ten people died before the shooter was arrested and taken into custody. Shocking? Did the “Boulder bubble burst?” Well that bubble has not always been intact, though yes, Boulder’s usually a peaceful place to live.

Maybe it’s more of a statement of how this can happen anywhere, on any day. Gun violence is horrifically common. The Atlanta shootings took place within the same week.

There’s a lot that can be said, a lot more to feel. And, on a soul level, I don’t think our murdered neighbors were as surprised as the city and the humans they’ve left behind. The truth of this cannot be fully known now. The violence is hard to hold. It’s hard to imagine the grief and loss of those loved ones. It’s even more challenging at times to know how to help. How to step forward, and how to take steps that matter.

Tale a moment if you can now, to be still and listen, for what your soul wants you to know about this event. What to know for yourself that is true now, as you go forward. We’re unique in terms of what meaning this has personally.


It might help to take a breath for these fallen comrades. Let’s say their names, knowing that their soul’s choice will make a difference. Sending care and energy to them and their loved ones… Honoring them.

Denny Stong, 20
Neven Stanisic, 23
Rikki Olds, 25
Tralona Bartkowiak, 49
Teri Leiker, 51
Ofc. Eric Talley, 51
Suzanne Fountain, 59
Kevin Mahoney, 61
Lynn Murray, 62
Jody Waters, 65


Araceli Frias and their research team noted in a 2011 study in the Journal of Positive Psychology that contemplating death and destruction increases gratitude. Death awareness practices are a part of many spiritual and shamanic traditions. In her chapter of the book, The Sweet Spot, Christine Carter notes the importance of having a 3:1 ratio of positive emotions to stressful emotions in any given day. Gratitude is a big tool for switching mind and mood to a more positive tone.

These kind of events can take us through many emotions – again, not a problem, even when they are tough emotions. Emotions are life force energy. This type of reverse psychology / gratitude practice can help work with these senseless events.

What if I or my best friends went shopping that day? What if what if? Normally rumination isn’t a good thing – let’s call it contemplation. Let the tenderness and the realness this brings be a reminder of the preciousness of life. And when reminded, perhaps you dig out a bit more, from what holds you back. Perhaps you are more mindful, caring and loving as you move through this life.

My soul’s message as I struggled for words to share with you about this tragedy: Get your stress mgmt. shit together, and get to the soul shit. (Yes, I curse more when I’m struggling – an old NJ habit…)  I know, I am repeating myself…


I also got the message to revisit Michael Moore’s (MM) movie about gun violence – so glad I did! I did not remember accurately the central message. He focuses less on gun violence per say, and more on the context in the United States that creates this.

The film Bowling for Columbine was released in 2002 and won an Oscar in 2003. It’s a great film on many levels. Michael Moore has a soul savvy work ethic. The movie now has a 2nd disc with extra features, some from 2018 that detail this. It’s inspiring because MM has always wanted to make a difference, and – get this – do it with humor. He’s a film lover and that also inspires his work.

I was glad to be reminded of his message. While we’re not the only country with many guns (Canada has some 7 million, a higher gun/people ratio per capita than the US) yet we have many more gun homicides (2019 – Canada near 700, US near 17,000). Part of MM’s focus with the movie was trying to understand why this is true. His research pointed to the culture of fear mongering by politicians, media and corporations in the US. And he covers the huge defense industry violence perpetrated by the US against our fellow global citizens.

In the end, he notes in the bonus feature: “The central problem is being afraid of the other. And being so easily manipulated by politicians, corporations and the media as they appeal to our baser instincts.” He also notes the place of race in the fear mongering machines – a bit ahead of his time there.

In Canada, the difference there – they say, Hey, we’re all Canadians. (And they leave their doors unlocked…)


A client texted her husband after a bomb threat happened the following week in Boulder – “What’s this world coming to?” He replied, “This is why we strive to be good people and raise the boys to be kind and loving.” Good answer.

Remember how important sharing the peace of your heart and the beauty of your soul is FNAME. Just being. Just shining your caring and wise soul – inside and out – helps more than you can perhaps know, while here.


Boy did poet Mary Oliver call that phrase eh? Let’s lean in, every day a little bit, to the real, to the important, to the love and healing you came here to share, to express. Dig out from the obstacles, and share the soul essence. Go deeper than the surface level of what the news covers. Bring your full self to the game.

I’ll list some resources and helpful articles. I welcome your comments and you can also just hit reply if you’re getting this in the newsletter (sign up at the right).

Namaste and love,

Denise Barnes New Moon NL 4/11/21


Local free paper, the Boulder Weekly and relevant coverage

Moving forward after the shooting

Interesting article on the 2nd amendment history – it’s not about having automatic weapons at home

A Boulder native share his tender heart

Bowling for Columbine details – Pluto shows this for free – 2 disc set with bonus disc was at my library

Tonglen practice, for working with challenges, with Pema Chodron

Ann Albers – channels Angel messages, and then share her useful human experience in translation
This right on one – on death and destruction at the time of Passover / Easter / Ramadan

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