More Scary than Fear – Close Calls to Missing the Call Part 2

I used to think that the Quantum Leap to heed the Soul’s call would take one leap. And then I could jump into the hammock, yum! Pass the margarita! But no – the stretch from the old way to the new way requires many shifts, and constant courage. These can be little choices each day, and the real big decisions every now and then.

For example, for Darcy, one big leap was to say Yes, I hear and honor this call, and I’ll hire help. Progress hadn’t been happening for quite some time working alone, even with a strong community and a great partner. That was a big decision point to step into coaching. Then, after that, she needed the willingness to create clarity about the plan to enable the dream that was whispering. Then, she needed to revamp her schedule and focus so she could feed her plan. All of that took some time and work.

Then after that foundation was revamped, Darcy observed how much her various day jobs were draining and scattering her. In session, we made sacred space for her guidance on this. She realized attracting a better day job would be a good step to take. And, as often happens when you are stepping up on the spirit path, within weeks she created this. Spoke to a friend, got an offer. Not only did the new job help her focus on her transformation plan, but it paid more, and taught her the skills she needed for the future gig.

So it took lots of small steps and little actions to foster the awareness that Darcy’s foundation needed tweaking. This is all in the getting ready phase, when you clear the ground. Since we keep evolving constantly, we’re always getting ready, to some degree – we’re often tweaking something.

Oh no, the wobbling…

And then, there are those places where the dreaded WOBBLE effect comes in to play.

The WOBBLE effect is where you’ve bravely taken a step, put yourself out there, extended yourself, and … nothing happens, or there is critical backlash, or… you just get incredibly vulnerable and question all of your efforts. There is plenty of time for wobbling as the universe meanders along in its own perfect time with the delivery of what you’ve asked for.

In the Quantum Leap program, the unique part of what the coaching does is provide a larger view of the wobbling. It’s often a sacred necessity. Soul Savvy’s intuitive healing perspective looks at the nature of the themes under each person’s unique wobble. Often what lives here is the history of our wounds, our rejections, our traumas. Every time you step forth, you jiggle those sore points – in order to create full healing for them and more wholeness for yourself. Heartful mastery of the wobble dance is a huge gift. The depth, accuracy and speed of the work done here is unusual for most coaching programs. This is where many just get stuck, don’t recover quickly, or completely derail.

One critical wobble for Darcy came after two months of shifting, of creating her new foundation and preparing for the new way. Lo and behold, the perfect job appeared. She caught the invite early – she was on the search; she was ready and waiting. But she also noticed a little banner on the website that said – 6,374 visitors have viewed this.

Oh the wobbling that caused! The doubter within her said, OK I’m good at what I do, but no way can I compete with six thousand people. I mean really! And then the doubter added the secondary layer of considerations – who would want to relocate after all you’ve built here, what about your spouse, what about eighteen years with the band, what about (etc. etc.).

And the thing you always wonder about, but really can never know is – how would that wobble have gone if not for coaching? In that session, it didn’t look like Darcy was going to apply. The interference and static was on high volume. If it didn’t derail her completely, it may have led to at least, more procrastination, more hemming and hawing. You know how that messes with the quality of the work you do, even if does eventually, and painfully, get delivered. Big dreams carry big doubts – the resistance is often commensurate with the risk. And Darcy was standing on a high risk cliff!

Leaping from the cliff!

Luckily, we were able to redirect the focus. You can always apply and decline, I noted. Again we made sacred space for her to examine the fear and static and get to the truth beneath it. Darcy didn’t derail. She got her application in, and did a bang up job on it. She had the new day job, and during the next year of multiple screenings and interviews, including getting flown cross country to meet the company, she was learning the skills that would cement her getting the job offer. The competition was stiff, and her new foundation helped keep her in the game. And then, she got the job!

Now, she is at peace and in joy because she found her way to follow Soul’s calling. She was able to relocate with heart, and is doing the work she was meant to do. Great work, at a great time, to help those she loves working with.

What would have happened without the support she invested in? So hard to say, but for many of those who were in the program, there was essential work to do that they kept feeling blocked from doing. Wobbling that didn’t end easily – that kept them from their next steps. Steps to take to get ready for the next phase of things – a phase they might have either completely missed, or not been able to take advantage of, if not for coaching.

Yes, more scary than the fear, than the dreaded wobble, is missing that critical juncture. More scary is reaching that later point, or end of life, when you say, Drat! I needed to leap there…

Is it time for your Quantum Leap?

I have three openings through 5:00 pm Friday 10/18 for this unique program. Call/email today with questions.

Ready to Leap? Go here to submit your discounted fee, and I will contact you to schedule.

Guarantee: if you’re not confident this is right after the first session, your balance will be refunded with no questions asked.

Your guide on the soul journey,


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