This post was inspired written after attending an abundance workshop which pushed my “truth in advertising” buttons … The leader attributed her biz success to her strong application of the law of attraction, versus years in the field, a clear niche, a prior marketing job in the field before getting her MA, etc., etc.
What’s a Matta For You/r Abundance?
Who is it, and what movie (or many), when the Italian guy (Joe Pesci?) is yelling, “What’s a matta for you”, at his minion? Poor minion is either kind of slow, or just not playing the mafia game properly.
Sometimes I feel just like that poor minion, when I read books or attend “abundance” workshops. I’ve heard about the law of attraction (LOA) for many years. It seems so easy. What’s a matta for me, that I’m not rich, or the perfect picture of Buddha with jewels, right now?
The books and teachers will tell me right quick what’s wrong. It’s my fear, or other negative emotions. Nope, I can’t keep a straight face when I’m embodying my vision of what I want to create. Or maybe, I don’t really belieeeevvvve that I deserrrrrrvvvvve my desire.
Eeew! An abundance dummy! How uncool! Watch my angel smack me upside the head, then deny that I’m her supervisee.
Okay, like any statement, there are often nuggets of truth in the LOA. You do need all your senses to visualize effectively, and you want to really embody your vision. You do want to hold a positive intention, and uh yes, be clear enough to have one, as you sally forth.
When you have many desires and gifts? Watch out! It may take a little more time for you to realize your multi-faceted success. Are you sure you’re not multi-tasking due to your fear of failure? Look at your neighbor – he always knew he wanted to be a forest ranger.
And look at all those “negative” emotions! C’mon now. I see you are at a negative six on the Abraham-Hicks emotion scale. What can you do to raise your vibration friend, so you’re at least above mid-line?
You know, I’m exaggerating here, but I have to say, I’ve had it with the instant wealth promises and the lame blaming I hear in some of these “abundance” teachings. Kind of like when folks say attitude is everything in healing, and if you aren’t curing your illness, it’s your fault.
Metaphysical Malpractice, a mentor of mine calls it.
Here, Try this NEW! Law on for Size
Okay, what if I told you there is a new universal law, a very powerful law that can help you do amazing things. It’s called the Law of Love. There are certain steps and practices, and it works the same for everyone – you just have to get it right.
Oh, it’s just a coincidence that the initials are LOL. Ignore that. But yes, it does take a lot of luck, and if you aren’t feeling particularly lucky right now, just stay awake, because luck changes a lot. If you are properly awake, you will not miss luck’s arrival. If you do miss it, you need to wake up just a little a bit more.
Here is how you wake up more. Get in front of a mirror. Open your eyes wide. Repeat this affirmation, “I am willing to stay as awake as humanly possible”. (See that human adjective gives you a lil’ bit of slack.) Repeat this, very dramatically, as loud as you can, embodying it in every cell, 10 times.
If you are moved to laughter, that is the advanced Law of Laughing Love – and you can now start teaching this practice. Watch your world fill with love and abundance – your wish is ….
Okay, I’m being a little silly here. Some laws, like the law of gravity do apply to everyone. But when it comes to spiritual laws, or laws that govern human nature, you often need to fashion your own way through it. Especially if you are one of those independently-minded artist/healer types.
You know, it’s like working with illness. Two with the same condition may find very different ways of healing themselves. We don’t want to say, “Here, have some chemotherapy; it’s the law”.
Everyone’s path is unique, like snowflakes. These paths will shift, cover new ground, meander, and have up and downhill times. There may be some elements our journey’s share, and some that are specific to your own soul’s research.
Be Kind – Abundance, Enlightenment – Take a Little Time
Don’t buy it when the abundance peeps make you feel like Homer Simpson going, “Doh!” Yes, elements of the LOA work, and it can be a great spiritual process to clarify and focus your work.
To your financial vibrance in 2010.