3 Counter-Intuitive Humps of Marketing

There are many places where effective marketing is initially counter-intuitive. Often my ideal clients are superwomen of intuition. That makes it doubly hard to lean into actions that make marketing sense, but go against the grain of what feels right intuitively.

Quite the conundrum! It’s kind of like the hard work required, before you get to the “ease” state you hear about, and so long for.

Often, to get to that level of ease beyond money struggles, and to master the massive confusion of what to do next in your marketing that will work well, you must face fears and limits. You must find the antidote for your money and marketing allergies. You must bravely lean into edges you’d rather avoid.

Perhaps this connection to the counter-intuitive side is why marketing can be so hard for light workers. There are many of these humps; here are three big ones. Bless the blog with a comment on this, or on what helps you decide what to say yes to, when you do invest in some marketing help for your work.


Hump One: Using/crafting effective “audio logos” or self intros
What do you do? Oh, I’m a psychotherapist. (sound effect eeeeeehhhhhhhh, i.e., wrong answer) I am kind of shocked that with all the information out there ad nauseum about how to craft an elevator speech, many still either don’t have this know-how, or just can’t bring themselves to use what they know.

The counter-intuitive part: It seems like a simple question, and you want to give a simple answer. The truth: People don’t want the “psychotherapist” answer. They want to know if you can help them, and/or if they should know you. This requires a way different answer. Their ego wants to put you in their mental rolodex, probably never to enter their minds again. Their soul wants a
different answer,  if indeed, you can help them, or help someone they know.

Hump Two: Not tooting your horn
This is where you think that everyone should get you and what you do. Regardless of your marketing, they should … well, intuit how great your work is, and how much they need your services. Heck with testimonials, can’t they feel your energy? You shared all the training you’ve had (btw, not part of what they really want to know – nope). And though you seem shy and shakey with your marketing message, they should see beyond that and know you’re a master.

Counterintuitive part: You hate tooting your horn, and when you do it, it’s not the tones that match what they want to hear.  The truth: If you don’t lean into tooting, and toot the right tones, you end up just bleeting like one of 60 horns in an intersection in New Delhi. Their soul needs you to toot relevant tones, not just make loud noises, after you’ve temporarily overcome your aversion
to tooting, and overcompensate with a loud “BLAT BLAT BLAT – Phew, glad that’s over!”

Hump Three: Not wanting to bother people or repeat yourself
Remember that noisy intersection of car horns in India? This is similar to the information overload people have to manage to hear your message. Blat blat blat, beepity beep beep, ahooga ahooga. Lots of horns going off, all the time. It’s a jungle out there. Plus there are often other fires your clients are putting out, and stresses they’re dealing with, that are on the front burner.

Counterintuitive part: You might think, “Hey, it’s noisy enough out there without me adding to the racket.” Or, you might refuse to take part in the mayhem and add to the noise pollution. Truth: You don’t have to become a hype-y, blaring marketer, to effectively attract clients. But you may have to go networking when you don’t feel like it. You may have to dig a bit and do some research to create a great message about your work. If you’re in a launch, you may have to send a few more emails than is comfortable. Others’
egos may say, what a pain! But their soul needs you to penetrate the noise, and have you persistently keep herding them to your help.


In today’s world, with all the competition and overload, it’s rare that a client will just say YES immediately, even if your work is exactly what they need, and they know it. You’ll need to repeat yourself, and you’ll need to be clear and confident.

Overcoming aversion to these counter-intuitive humps, and finding your spiritually-aligned way to market tastefully and effectively, is part of what’s covered in the Soul Fired Client Attraction Mastermind. It’s a big commitment in a way, to take four months and invest the cash in this comprehensive intensive. Yet it’s got the pieces of the puzzle the books, home study courses and left brain trainings leave out. 

For example – what is the the soul fired “why” behind what you do? That helps you lean into these edges, and master the counter-intuitive humps to the land of marketing ease. Plus, you’ll have access to money and marketing allergy antidotes. Finally, once you get over these humps, your intuition will be recalibrated to understand why and how you need to toot your beautiful and
inspiring message, in the most effective and ease-ful way.

This gets you to the next level of ease with money, too, so that you’re beyond struggling to meet the bills, and on to being able to afford health care, massages, vacations and the like.

More importantly, you’re contributing your best gifts. You’re fulfilled and resonating with that contribution you’re here to make.

Your toots will never sound the same – bediddle, bebrumpy beepity boop. Bop BOPPPY Hee hee Ahooga! (And the clients say, “Interesting toot. Tell me more about that … May I have your card?”)

To your happy and more effective tooting,

Denise Barnes


The Soul Fired Client Attraction Mastermind
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