From Amazon Undies to Vulnerability

This is part of a Doubt Diva Rescue Remedy series ~ See below for details ~ and pipe up with your questions on the inner Diva of Doubt. Sometimes she’s wise, sometimes just a PIA.
Well, it figures. Right after I was all fearless and trying out the Amazon (big girl) panties and suggesting you do the same, guess who visited me Wednesday?
Yes, the Doubt Diva, that sneaky, cheeky gal. Oh no, I am not exempt, despite our familiarity. She snuck in Tuesday night with a masterful strategy. Out of the blue, in walking on my wood floor, a very aggressive splinter slid into the ball of my foot. Weird, and ouch! I took my sock off, and a 1/2 inch piece of wood said “Hi. Like the thong.”
I thought I got it all out, but the bottom of your foot is hard to see. Then later that night, a shooting pain told me – this might not be over. So an unexpected setback, an unplanned delay – a small one – but one that would take time, and resources, to deal with.
Now the Doubt Diva can cause you to limp a bit, but it’s usually not medically related! She was pulling no punches. That splinter was not in my plans. With all there was to do – things were speeding up – more details than there was time. Yet, a blessing in disguise this delay became, however testy I was.
The first stage of that slowing down wasn’t so conscious. In hindsight, the shy sides of myself were anxious about teaching the Doubt Diva teleclass. Those sides of self do prefer the more introverted path. You know, staying in bed under the covers, lol.
That morning my grand plans were waylaid with a trip to the nurse practitioner. She had better instruments (forceps vs. sewing needle), much better light and a much better-angled view of that sensitive bottom of my tootsie. And indeed, there was a little sliver of splinter still awaiting liberation.
It’s amazing what pain and revision of plans a teensy piece of wood can bring. A brilliant metaphor was afoot – forgive the pun. In fact, the more vulnerable side of stepping out needed to be honored.
Getting out there with your soul work can involve more visibility than the nervous-inner-kid-under-the-covers prefers. Often you might think you need to ignore these sides of self or drag them along scared and protesting. Usually, you’re not even aware they’re triggered, but you know there’s less joy in your work at the moment, and you are just compelled to read that novel during work hours…
When these sides of self aren’t included, though, they cause all kinds of havoc. I notice for example, a big increase in comfort eating. The soul savvy approach requests all parts of self be gently included, reassured when needed, and integrated. Indeed, healed. And sometimes there’s more mac and cheese temporarily – ah well, soul work expansions can be messy, and non-vegan. (In my case, you see why much hiking is needed :)It took a few more hours of unplanned break time before I once again re-membered my full self and got back to more balanced work. Turns out the Doubt Diva’s visit in this case spurred me to a healing adjustment. Just like chiropractic adjustments realign and reset our spines, these healing adjustments on the soul work journey readjust our full selves to more alignment. More full-self functionality returns. I needed – just like with the splinter – better light, better tools, and a view from a different angle.
We’ll talk more about those healing side trails the Doubt Diva can lead us to in Thursday’s teleclass. The Doubt Diva’s dance steps include having that ability to slow down, and check for any healing adjustments she may be inviting. (This is maybe 1/3 of the time she visits.)
Meanwhile, my foot is fine. I’ll hike a lovely trail on Sunday. I wish you a lovely weekend. And please forward this little missive to any soul-work-driven friends and colleagues, if they might benefit from some of Thursday’s cutting edge paradigm. (See Teleseminar details in the next section).
With warmest light-blazing blessings, and gratitude for your presence,
Denise Barnes
Doubt Diva translator on the path to soul genius
Creative and healing arts pros ~
Have you ever noticed – doubts can be right on, or a whole load of BS.

Either way, these doubts cost you lots of lost time and thus, money, on the path to soul genius.

Even more costly – the loss of momentum in hope, inspiration and heart.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could tell when your doubts are worthy of attention?
Or, when you need to breakthrough the distraction of those fears and take that leap?

 If your answer is YES – then this soul savvy teleseminar is for you:


Three essential keys for discerning the wisdom from the BS

When to honor – and ignore – the Doubt Diva – so you can keep moving toward your soul genius work

 In this free teleclass, you’ll learn:

  • The three cases where magical thinking will not help your cause
  • The big myth about bypassing limiting beliefs that sabotages authenticity
  • How to tell a healthy growth edge from a chasm too deep and wide to cross yet
  • The benefits to knowing instantly if Doubt Diva’s advice is wise or BSing you blind

To get your free access to this fast-paced, enlightening teleseminar packed with unconventional knowledge and soul savvy common sense, sign up here. You’ll also get a tour of the Doubt Diva Rescue Remedy – Inspirational Stories and tips for Artists and Healers – at no extra charge.

Let’s get your genius work out there! Now is the time.

Denise Barnes
Soul Work Adventure Guide
P.S. If you are tired of seesawing between enlivening dreams and discouraging doubts, and you know your truest genius AND your income are ready to grow, you’ll want to be on this call..

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