Word from the Force: The Manuals are on the way…

Dear comrades and light bearers,

Congratulations. 2012 is here, and you are here. Not only that, we are here, meaning the throngs of light workers and the off world supervisors. Good to know you don’t have to do this alone.

It’s a massive project.

And frankly, most angelic upper crusts had their doubts you’d make it this far. Thus the current rush on instruction manuals. The force should be caught up with you by end of month.

For now we’d thought we remind you of a few broad strokes of the mission, this mission to help Earth you agreed to join. We know it is frustrating to have had to forget all the pre-birth designs that were discussed. This amnesia will help you develop needed qualities like trust and faith.

For those of you reading this ezine, one of the main channels you’ve chosen to heal is the money and business channel. This one is truly a mess. Thank you for your courage in joining this brigade.

Until the revised manuals arrive, please note the following areas for your undivided attention for the foreseeable future. (All of these are areas that Denise has been instructed to provide new programs for, so stay tuned for those.)

The New World Game Plan

1) Heal Money

All the bad ju ju around money and much of how you’ve done business with it won’t pass inspection over the threshold into the new world. Many on the planet will need your help to upgrade their programs and watch how the new business is done.

2) Step into your Genius

You each came here with a diamond level of a certain expertise. It is easy to get comfortable at the bronze level, but this will not be enough to save the world or give you ultimate satisfaction after death. More intelligence coming, but for now be open to ideas about how to expand your current level.

3) Hold Peace, Hope and Love

These old world energies will make the transition to the new world. Mission members are reminded that though this reality is very well-constructed, it is a mirage. Yes, you are working in the field, but you are not of this world. You have traveled here to help, but your true home is elsewhere and is not a battle ground. Thanks again for your bravery. It may help to conduct your life as if there are helpers in the ethers, and as if your birthright is a member of the immediate family of God, and all that’s cool that is.

4) Right Paradigms, Right Actions

For most of you, you have the necessary knowledge to take the next step that has been beckoning. This may be a big step, a beginning task of your true soul mission. From there the path unfolds, although not always in the way of old world linear planning. Lean into your intuition and give this step a try. Use what you know. Training and support is available if you find gaps in your knowledge; it should be holistic and fit the needs of your spiritual hologram. Go for it! We look forward to your report.

5) Give Back

These are ways you can circulate positive emissions for other mission brethren and the planet:

a) Be clear with money.

This involves both the practical side of living within means, as well as spiritual practices to attract more resources needed for the mission.

b) Shift fear and struggle to trust and ease.

Watch the words you use, and what you imagine as possible.

c) Invite right help. Be conscious of how you work, and the company you keep. Cultivate qualities that support the new world person you are becoming. It’s probably not the YOU NOW.

d) Be willing. To create and undergo life-changing change.

Game-changing change. That’s the mission. That’s why you are here now, at this time. And do not listen to the rumors. You are well-funded for this mission. Part of the game is to find the key to the treasury. This key is coded to be unlocked when you have applied all of your brilliance as a spiritual warrior.

This is Soul Mission Control. Feel free to send questions. Over and out. Above and below.

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