Life purpose (eye roll). It’s soul mission update time. I know, didn’t we just do this? Angels will say, you’re already likely doing it, My guides laughed yesterday and said, you thought 2012 was going to be it, but it’s 2024! Well OK then. Timelines are relative, and changing. Growth junkies and light workers keep shifting.
Sometimes the path is clear and just needs a tweak or two. Other times, an overhaul is needed. Change is hard. Thus the mission, purpose, soul work check in. Yes, eye rolls allowed.
The whole idea? Staying present to earth’s current birth canal contractions, with your gifts sparkling. Arriving to that moment where your actions catalyze and fulfill in the ways you can to enact and enable.
Yes, it gets complicated. You not only have to true up your mission and gifts regularly, but also track how it will be profitable, sustainable, and perhaps peace-promoting or soul satisfying. Jeesh, who signed up for this multi-dimensional multi-tasking madness? Oh yeah. Us.
So I’ll try to be brief (ha! Working on that…) and provide some angles to consider. It doesn’t have to be huge work. Just a little check in. Not all parts of this may be relevant for you – but check back through the month if it calls.
Alongside the Netflix and Amazon streams, you may hear some urging soul whispers or cosmic commentary. I know, it’s hard to tell sometimes what’s the soul speaking, and what’s that endless mind chatter.
I think soul whispers are anchored a bit deeper than our heads. So those would feel more like a belly-sourced or heart/guts zone refrain. And it’s not gas. Take some moments to check in there, to feel it, to listen.
You may, like me, have a lot to maintain in your life, and this feels like yet another thing asking for your attention and energy. Yeah. And this thing may not start out paying rent or providing infrastructure. Yup. Lately with this nagging, I’ve had to cut some work and make space for it. Huh? It’s OK. There is room for the real.
More ways to know it’s soul talking? The idea of not fulfilling it, even when it’s still a vague thing, bums you to high hell. It’s taken a lot to get to this moment, with all your skills and heart and beauty. This is the time to do this. Somehow, someway, some some some…. nudge to keep it humming. Give this some dream time, meditation time, space.
I’m not yet creating that thing that’s whispering, but I’m making room for it. That counts. I’m listening. I can feel that I shouldn’t wait much longer.
In a recent energy healing class, we looked at soul purpose alongside the workspace. That made sense. Check in with meditation, your intuition – what’s my soul purpose now? What color, what quality – the simple view. For example, peacefulness. I got a big goddess in green dress, present, being. All the earthly body image issues irrelevant, lol. OK, that works.
Workspace though, where my Goddess, body-beautiful lady needs to make a living? Yes, a bit of old energy and imperatives that were way out of date. Work hard, survive – Fight! Flee! No glee there. Energetically, this can be cleared. And needs regular updates. So yes, see how your inner “office” is faring. And see if you can get those two to connect more fully.
Values are the pillars of your soul’s infrastructure. We might guess I have a thing about soul stuff – that would be a value. Alignment can be refreshed here to make sure your deepest values are engaged. This is often the deeper “why” behind what you do or desire.
Try this: Look at this list of values. Pick your most resonant ten values first. Then from that list, pick the big three. Often a struggle you’re having can be traced back to a sleeping or dormant value. Reconnecting with them can super refuel that mission purpose zone. See resources below.
Another important factor to track or include in purpose updates are seasons of life transitions. I’m officially in the zone of “pretirement”. As much as I’m reluctant to admit it, the amount of working time (OK and lifespan) I have left is limited. Empty nester? Note it. Graduation of some kind? Job or hours change or big career evolution? Relationship shifts? Notable. Each decade can have different goals. And there can be unique pieces to your life that matter. Note these as you consider next work and soul growth steps. Let their truth influence your next choices.
I have discussed this in previous blogs so won’t repeat myself. You know this has been impactful on so much, and the world is still reeling, and emerging anew. Consider this and know that it is not the last world event to weather in the next five years. Plan accordingly, lol. As much as is possible.
OK, it’s not really possible to plan for the upcoming chaos, right? That’s where practices, and foundations come in. See if any updates are needed there. I had to get real with meditation, when Covid arrived last March.
Failure is relative and rare. I recall many experiments working to create employment for my artist side. Not uber successful yet uber instructive. Recently I benignly signed up for a trauma-informed therapy course that upended my entire approach. No, I was not looking for the upheaval and the massive growth/apprenticeship it required. But in the end – critical to my work and mission. And of course, my own healing. And art making…
Do what you can to listen to those soul whispers. Doesn’t have to be huge updates – just a tweak may help you align with more grace and truth.
You may know when an update’s needed. For me, I start to feel stuck or deadened. There is more depression or complacency. It feels like something big is missing. And good news – extremely bitty tweaks turn that heap of sadness around. One half hour a week unbinds inertia.
Don’t lose touch with the fresh wind that soul will occasionally ask you to sail through. And don’t “misplace your amusement” for too long. The worst thing is death, and well, no way to avoid that. The second worse thing is missing the mark on what you soul wants to contribute. Okay maybe that’s the first worst. You get to decide.
If you’re of a certain age or growth perspective, you may have heard enough “life purpose” mentions to last the rest of your lifetimes. Maybe that’s been planted so we don’t think it’s about Amazon shopping or show streams.
It’s a good time to check in and be sure you’ve got your soul thing as engaged as possible. Your eyes may roll, you may need a show binge first – no problem. Is everything happening that needs to be? Is there a life season disappointment or derail that needs resolving?
Life foundations – health, practices, relationships? Check. Work and soul mission combo? Check. Fun and other growth areas? Check. You know what’s important. Let me know if you need a consult on this stuff.
Should you need a second opinion, I’m here for you.
Here is the abundant Values worksheet. Pick your top 10, then your top 3 from those 10. Something missing here? Claim your prize.
Jonathan Fields’ Sparke Types test – This test names your gifts that light you up in the work world. It nailed it for me. Advisor/Performer. It talks about how they work together or can mess each other up. The test is free, but it’s followed by paid options for further info. JF is great. He has a new book coming out on Sparke type 2.0 – “your unique imprint for work that makes you come alive” – available for preorder. He also does the wonderful Good Life project/podcast.
Robin Ryan – check out her Retirement Reinvention book. Robin went through a cancer journey, and then switched her work from career coaching and upgrades, to getting retirement right. Did you know you can “fail” at retirement? It’s a big shift to navigate, and in her book, she’ll tell you all the angles to consider. Super enlightening and helpful. Thanks for updating your ass Robin. You rock.
Your turn: What’s important for you to consider now, in navigating next steps and the early 2020 corridor?
PS Have you read Ministry of the Future? Cassandra Speaks? What Happened to You? Unlocking the Emotional Brain? Please chat below.