Recently, the one year anniversary passed since March 2020’s Covid-19 lockdown. Wow. Not out of the woods yet, I know. If you’re reading this, you survived. But perhaps not without heartbreak, health delays or challenges, and other unexpected shifts. I’m guessing 2020 will not go down as a favorite year. But it will be remembered.
There were big breaks from the usual – business as usual, fun and the usual ways you managed stress. Sooth us interruptus! Simple services were cut off. Our inner control freaks freaked out. Fight or flight kicked up, dealing with survival. Maybe learning to survive in new ways and hone stress mgmt. skills. Remembering firsthand and upfront, the challenges of dealing with uncertainty.
Maybe like me, you had to reassess everything. Things that would keep me afloat were cut off; for example, sharing meals with friends. So much change in so little time.
Challenges teach you the most. You notice after a time, the silver lining in those clouds. What has Covid brought to your attention? What is more appreciated now?
It’s OK to notice the things that suck first. Then see – what did you learn through this chapter of adversity? On planet earth, you are not going to bypass uncertainty, loss, health challenges, and shifts from what’s expected. If this were a training ground – what has come of it for you?
If you had a dollar for every time psychology-connected buzz words were used this past year, you could retire. Stress mgmt., self-care, and anxiety/depression/frustration/isolation – these terms and others are part of the vernacular now. The good news? Often there was helpful information from Dr. Google. The trick often is doing the practices.
I teach a lot of stress mgmt. tools and habit/health change work. I’ve learned you can’t side step the shit of life. Yet with a few simple tools, and helpful perspectives? You can build your strength and resilience for dealing with it. This year was a big invite to fine tune coping skills. More good news, right?
A personal example of a gap was my meditation practice. Oh yes, I touted the benefits at the workplace. But was I practicing the preaching? Sure at times. Early on with Covid, though, I asked intuitively, what’s this crisis asking of me? Answer – get your meditation practice more together. More consistent. I was able to get back to journaling and meditating early in the day. This helps enormously. I can tune in to changing emotions and what’s most important to attend to in this gnarly, beautiful day.
The hell with our overly independent and “pull yourself up by bootstraps” culture. Getting help helps. Giving others a chance to help you? Helps them! They get a big influx of positive health hormones when they contribute. When they feel connected to something that matters. When they make a difference.
You give, and hopefully you also can allow yourself to receive. You learn skillful ways to ask for help with grace, without cornering people. You provide options to several potential helpers. You continue to cultivate a robust social support circle that gives and receives and takes care of its members. Just noticing the uplift after a night of laughter and connection – so wonderful. I can’t wait to have more of this returning.
This year mental health support was recognized as a valuable method and common sense source of help. Rather than losing cred because of needing help, it became a no brainer and even a strength. EAP services and other resources were touted. The insurance industry even made it easy for people by forgiving co-pays and allowing virtual sessions. When insurance company red tape is simplified, you know change is happening.
As this year unfolded, I watched many professionals encourage mental health support that weren’t normally as vociferous about it. Stoic and stalwart nurses reached their limits and needed back up. “Bad” (less effective) coping methods were more exposed to the light of day. The ways that were helpful but not available were more appreciated and more valued.
I don’t think we’re at the end of this challenging tunnel of time, and not only due to COVID. When you’re turning a big ship around, like this world in crisis and hoped for transformation, breakdowns may continue to fine tune things…
So yes, get your stress mgmt. together. Create the structure and any healing support needed so that your soul’s beauty can blossom.
And thank you Covid, for the wake up experience of taking the love that’s available less for granted.
Each of you may have something unique to note at this anniversary, based on your work changes or family experience or art forms. Covid may have made you see things that were veiled before. I welcome your comments.
Should you need some support to dig out of the noise and get to the soul level – Know that help is here. Allow that in. Those benefits will keep on giving to make you resilient. Then you can handle anything that the current times may toss your way.
First you’re welcome to kvetch about what sucks about Covid. And then – what are you grateful for now, after this last year? What have you realized due to the experience of Covid?