11-1-18 from High Priestess Octavia
Greetings Denise and Kin,
Oh hallow, Halloween, hallowed fellows and kin,
This is the time, of stopping, of honoring. What a precious act, this 10/31 11/1 doorway. If you could see and know from our view, you would be delighted. To see the timeless blessing of all kin being together in this moment, being embraced. It is a simple act, ritual etc., yet it echoes gloriously through the caverns of time, alighting and aligning so beautifully. Massive resets, hallos/hallows on hallowed ground of existence, this honoring of this doorway.
These moments, well they are rare enough, though they can happen anytime, truly. Agree though that it is a special time. A time to take a moment, to light a candle, to put out some picture frames with your family ones, your ancestors. A time to note those things that symbolize this corridor of connection, of these roots of yours; it is as though a sonorous gong is sounded through the kingdoms. A healing sound, a sound that speaks of love and gratitude, a sound that honors creator and all of existence.
We know that the ancestor territory can sometimes be laden with mixed feelings, mixed blessings, aho for sure. And this existence is no homogeneous stroll, no, it is a diverse dance of learning. We do not learn best through marshmallow experiences – no, not as well as the pricks from thorns and redirects of so-called failures and trying times. Thus, to honor this field of your lineage, your soul and physical DNA source fountains, with reverence and appreciation, is a unifying, resetting act.
This hallowed hello, this symbolic joining of hands and hearts, is so sacred, even though there is still so much mystery in terms of what the hell is going on and why why why our ancestors’ paths covered the terrain that it did. This is such an honoring, to hold it all with a small ritual, a lit candle, a little hallowed hello aho aho – we are falling short of the words to describe the blessing and impact of this action on your part. It is big, do not doubt this. So simple, small even, yet in the unseen realms, it is a sunburst.
Some ask, how to do this? Keep it simple, with pictures, a candle, a favorite scent or incense, a piece of a beloved food or drinks, of your/theirs or both – elemental inclusion of water, flames, earth and air – you are the creatives and can make it as colorful and fun as you like. You can sing a song, you can paint a picture, you can simply sit still to say hello. You can communicate and connect, you can ask in prayer and stillness what else would honor your kin, you can express your gratitude and appreciation, you can even express your discontent. We are listing many options here, but do not be overwhelmed. The simplest would just be to light a candle and give thanks for ten minutes to these soul family members who are part of your origins and indeed will be present with you again beyond the veil, after this life.
This veil is thin for some days and you can stay aware and sensitive for any incoming mail so to speak from the other side; any dreams, any daydreams and memories that show up, any impulses to connect or gift your living relatives. This doorway foreshadows the holidays, the solstice season, the going within. It is a good time to tune in to those more meaningful columns of your soul path. Oh yes there is always the yard work so to speak, outside this home of the soul, and that can take so much time and energy. But the house of soul, the hearth of true kin and deep purpose; this needs tending, and the yard can be put to bed for now.
We will say that this connection to the inner realm, the soul hearth, is super important when the national yard is under construction, uprooted, a bit of a crime scene even. Hard to feel comfortable in the unrest and disarray. Few are able to put out the lounge chairs to enjoy the current state. Yet can you feel with us, that sense that this is all part of the plan? A plan? Your work here – well it varies for each – but do not discount simply living, doing good work, and blessing all whose paths you cross. Rather than subscribing to any polarizing points of view, or casting stones, see a bigger picture of this time. Much mystery, yes, many WTFs in response to the day to day news reports, and meanwhile, your work is still needed, and your next steps known and simple. Small steps, big changes, over time. Love, respect – these energies matter most.
Thus do not despair over the appearance of the world. Trust the deeper state of affairs, the intelligence that transcends human minds and earthly existence. Trust yourselves and your souls. And on this special day of soul, commune with all of those who have gone before, those who have seeded you from the great beyond. Touch the mist that holds all those to come. Celebrate your connection with all souls, and especially with the family of souls you call your own.
Imagine you are all joined in spirit. Imagine the time when you will be reunited, at the fire of spirit’s ongoing evolution, to celebrate the love and creativity you have embodied. Bow to them, bow to yourself. Breathe together and be joined in presence, bridge the veil. Invite correspondence and guidance. Blow your kisses and hugs and love and make a special moment to refresh this ancient path your ancestors have walked, that you live in now, and that all your kin will be road tripping on from here.
Blessings clear eyed lights that defy time and space boundaries. Blessings to you and your ancestors and lineage. Blessings on the reverberations, the intentions, of setting your sacred space at this powerful time.
High Priestess Octavia
Wow! This is powerful. Thank you! Recently (well, for quite a while), the events of the world have triggered lots of anxiety and un-groundedness. Reading this, connecting with my ancestors, remembering the need to feed the soul grounded me. Time to go light my candle…
Thanks Meg! Glad it was grounding and resonant.