January New Moon channel 1-20-15


Denise Barnes channels a group of three ascended masters, calling themselves the Trinities.

Greetings soul conscious ones. Take a breath with us to arrive into presence. Welcome to this auspicious day and tremulous year. Are you ready to create a year of unabashed dream creation alongside the usual tumult? This is the most favored multi-tasking spiritually speaking – the attention to the spirit work, the REAL items of your soul’s journey, while you do laundry, as you also take care of business so to speak, chopping the wood and carrying the water. Lucky most of you don’t have to take it to that level (smile).

The first step is to remember, to rename for this year’s journey, what soul activation zones you will prioritize. We remind you this does not have to instantly become your livelihood if it is not already, and that it does not have to comprise an 8 hour day if it is a new area etc. Follow Denise’s advice on how to name the areas of focus, and write these down or similarly construct them for your memory to hold. And then make your plans and set loose goals of how to daily pay them homage.

There is a fair amount of synchronicity, of auto pilot that will then happen with these areas so blessed. Sometimes you may find that your January clarity might almost feel forgotten, but then in November you look back and realize, Oh my gosh, that happened! That was realized in such an effortless way. This is nice, because other areas will take quite some effort, and will require you to suspend your judgment, suspend your prior “smallness” as you stretch into fuller expressions of god in you.

At this time, we recommend you connect with your spirit to ask for the pathway and the projects of this year. You can point out what is untenable in your life, and what you’d like to see instead. We note that the soul savvy programs coming will allow you to clear dysfunctional patterns that perpetuate self-sabotage and underachievement of the soul work fun that is possible. So keep up the good work, set your plan as clearly as you can, and jump on that boat while enjoying the moment, the surprises, and each little swell and storm, as well as the lovely calm sunny moments.

If you are frustrated, know that simple forays into concentrated help or comrade support will make a difference. It is no longer the time to procrastinate if you wish to be a key player in the transformation upon us. Clear the old desires that are still calling for completion. Make any amends, clear the old business, clear the clutter, and set up the newer foundations that will truly nourish you and allow for the new you to express and expand. From there you will get guidance as you proceed. When in doubt, do more clearing and the way becomes clearer.

Please do send us any questions. For now we ask you to breathe deeply while we send a golden vein of blessing to you, from our core of awesome joy and knowing of the pleasures ahead. May grace find your next steps, amen, aho.


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