Money as Yoda

The spiritual side of money work can involve deep healing. I have a new appreciation for Forgiveness work, said to be one of the prosperity “laws”. Have any regrets, blame, unfinished business about key life events? Any patterns or themes, any continued revisiting of past trauma, hurts or mistakes? This is often the inner stuff that will keep you stuck with money, impeding your money flow and joy in life.

The bad news is, it sucks to be money challenged, stuck, or a slave in some way to bad money energy. The good news? Leaning into this spiritual work not only loosens up money flow – it heals your life.

Other good news – You are not alone in this work. The entire planet is being asked to shift to a new money paradigm. That means a boatload – aye, planet-load – of healing is here for the taking. And we can make it fun. Let’s start today with some Star Wars metaphors.


Remember how pissy and resistant Luke Skywalker of Star Wars fame was, when he first met his trainer Yoda? “This funny looking green twerp is my teacher? You’ve got to be kidding…” No, our inner Luke is not a happy camper after landing at money training boot camp. But after a few embarrassing lessons, the potential for some kick ass learning is clear. You are humbled. You come to respect this “force”. And, you’re ready to apply yourself.

Money will point out any weak links in your psyche, in your heart, and in your work to realize your soul mission. Once you can accept this, and curb your inner Luke pissy-ness, your deep apprenticeship begins.

So you can forgive yourself for any resistance. For any situation you find yourself in. There is some work to do, once you accept things, of course. But it can help to know that this discomfort, this fear, this angst and anger – well it’s a very common beginning. Passion, aggression, ignorance say the Buddhists – a very common starting point in our human realm. No wonder it’s so crazy ’round here!


1) Get still / quiet / centered. Bring in your heart and spirit. Ask your intuitive wisdom, what negative theme or pattern is showing up with my money? (For example – never enough, fear of abandonment, not good enough, etc.)

2) Look at your life. What old or recent events are examples of these patterns? (E.g., parent/child dynamics, past failures or wrongs, struggles with relationships, job/career challenges, etc.)

3) Pick one event that comes up in this meditation that asks for more healing, processing, consideration.

4) Spend some time here. First, express the angst, anger, sadness – e.g., you can write a letter you don’t send. Or do a dance to bare your teeth and growl at this event. Paint, sing – express the pain and challenge of it somehow, and then return to center.

5) Consider the learning and the gift of this, if you were looking as a spirit from the other side. What is this teaching for you? What life lesson might be of benefit to you from this? Light a candle or do a meditation or creative expression to bless this event, and give thanks to the player who teamed up with you for this training. You might even send a letter of apology or make amends, if you played the Darth Vader side.

6) Forgive your opponent, and forgive yourself. Easy to say, not always simple to do. Often a few steps are involved here – so keep taking the next step. You’ll know when you come to a good stopping place.

We learn so much in this earth walk, especially when it’s a spiritual journey. Keep in mind that who you are now, is not the same person you were when this event took place. So remember who you were at that time, what made you do what you did, and appreciate that you did the best you could – the very best. Send some compassion, some tenderness and love, to that younger self – even if it was a month or year ago, or early in your life.

Hindsight is 20 20, right? And “failure” in many forms is a very good sign – and a necessary one – that you are walking your edge, and a very good student of the cosmos. Yep, a “lover of the light”, to quote Mumford and Sons.

Yours in the healing and the learning,

Denise Barnes

PS Are you and your Money Yoda friendly? Are there other Star Wars characters that better capture your money dance? Let’s talk below, or on my Soul Savvy FB page:

End of Early Bird Price for Soul Inspired Planning Secrets (SIPS) ***************************************************
Are you called to contribute to the times, but so overwhelmed by the day to day that you lose sight of the important steps to your soul mission work? A flurry of progress, but then months later, you are struggling to pick up the thread?

It hurts. You know there is more to give, but there hasn’t been a system that keeps you on track with the light loving work. Then a year passes, and it’s the same. Well, you’re not alone.

So many of the creative and healing professionals I know struggle – with that burning calling in the background, and the “putting out fires” mode taking precious attention and focus.

It’s such a joy to see the right fire, the calling get into the foreground! And since not everyone can afford the sacred space of coaching, I’ve created the Soul Inspired Planning Secrets (SIPS) home study program to get you clear, and to help you stay on mission.

SIPS gives you what you need to:

Clear any Regrets and Forgiveness work blocking clarity and progress
Consult your “Left Brain” Genius to lay out your plan
Express your Intuitive Guidance to maximize your spiritual sense of priorities

SIPS includes forms and templates to set up your own tracking, as well as a
BONUS interview with productivity guru and spiritual teacher Leo Babauta of the massive Zen Habits blog.

You can save by ordering now, before the early bird season ends.

Read all about it here:

And please let me know if you have any questions!

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