At a networking meeting recently, Janet (name changed) was asking group members, “Don’t you find that it’s hard to get clients?” She was noting the plethora of coaches and healers (and everything else you need under the sun – this is Boulder, lol). I couldn’t agree. Wait, is this the right question? Is it all about the number of practitioners in town? Does it have to be framed as impossible? Might it have anything to do with the practical side of things, including the poster for your seminar that did not state the appeal from a client-centered, WIIFM (what’s in it for me) format?
There are a lot of things involved in creating more ease with client attraction. The above zone of holding faith is a common learning curve in working with the spiritual side of attraction, aka the law of attraction (loa). I recently read a great loa book by Lynn Grabhorn, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings. If you like this ezine, I bet you’d like the quirky sense of humor that pervades Lynn’s teachings. Her last name alone tells you to pay attention, eh? Let’s review.
Identify what you don’t want
From that, identify WHAT YOU DO WANT
Get into the FEELING place of what you want
Expect, listen, and allow it to happen
In the example above, Janet is focusing on what she doesn’t want. It’s part of our human tendency, to scan for trouble. Yes, you’ve heard that what you focus on expands. You know loa suggests you stay focused and in a positive vibe, even when the desire hasn’t yet arrived. But how do you do that, when you’re really needing clients, and starting to get a little worried, fearful, resentful, depressed, etc.? How do you focus on the positive when to be honest, things kind of suck right now?
Maybe you haven’t mastered the subtle mysteries of the loa and remain somewhat skeptical in a healthy way. Even so, I think you can agree that if you are in the “things suck” energy, most clients and other good things might steer away from your dinghy. So how do you hold your energy high when challenged? Here are a few thoughts – please share yours on the blog – I know there are many loa masters on this list.
1) The challenges and adversities are not YOU
Sometimes that “in between” place is a real bitch. Waiting for money or clients or love can get tiring. Well, you don’t have to dwell upon lack. Loa isn’t just denial; it’s about where you choose to put your focus. Not enough clients? Focus on that new one who is such a freakin’ perfect fit, you could cry. In a challenging place? Well, that is exactly what this earth walk is about, mastering challenges. And look at this stupendous job, how you created this mess in order to teach yourself – er, what exactly are you learning here? It helps to understand what you may be mastering in the muck. Oh, amazing work!
Main point is , that no matter what mess or challenge you are working with, this is not you. Not your essence. Earth reality is soooo good because your full investment is needed to play this game. But it is not the deepest truth. The truth, which you will know without doubt at death, is that your spiritual self is damn near creator status – some would say you’re God in disguise. So while the current mess upon your hands may make you writhe and weep and feel like an amoeba in the evolutionary continuum, you still rock underneath it all. Big time. This mess will be a small and even creative thing, from the above point of view.
You can keep reminders of the deep truth handy – helpful, inspirational books, letters and testimony from clients or customers on how much you’ve helped, pictures of loved ones or spiritual guides, and all those things that help you remember home. That home away from this home.
Using Lynn Grabhorn’s approach – use the mess to jump off of, and name what you DO WANT now. Every time you find yourself bitchin’ ’bout something, ask yourself, OK, what DO I want instead? Voila – your clear desire is named. Then use your powerful imagination to FEEL that WANT as real now, happening, and keep expanding on all the fun you’re having with it.
For Janet, a good idea, rather than advertising or focusing on her lack of clients, is a) to know she wants more clients arriving easily, b) to get in that fun, feeling place of experiencing clients arriving this way, and c) to expect this will happen. Now – that is another rub, that c) part, the part where faith is needed. The place where you’ll need to work with your resistance to creating and receiving. So suspend your disbelief, and shift from the suck mode as best you can. Harping on suck is the main reason we stay stuck, and there is always something to be grateful for amidst the wreckage.
The times are wild and the transition to the new unknown is upon us. So remember you are just the lighthouse keeper. At times, you’re just trying to get the electricity back on, and it’s been five days and there is no good news. Other times, you have a generator, and you have lots of granola to share. But at no time are you only your human situation, be it fear or debt or slow business growth – or whatever is not matching your picture of where you thought you should be.
Sometimes we advance with ease, other times we hit obstacle after obstacle, and we are neither. We are the family of light infusing the earth dimension, and we just have to follow the next in-spired action. Yeah, especially those scary ones.
Thanks for reading. Connect and tell me you heard this, and share your luminosity on the blog.
Your deepest truth encourager,
Denise Barnes
Soul Biz Savvy
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What a timely post, Denise. I was just meeting with a new client yesterday and while she was sharing her business dreams and talking about her past experiences that she didn’t want to repeat (clients, colleagues, etc.), we turned the focus to what she DID want to attract in her business (just the opposite of what she’d been experiencing).
I know we sometimes get amnesia so your posts are helpful reminders that what we focus on expands!
Hi Jeanette – yes, those amnesia gremlins are pretty powerful sometimes. And that sounds like a great sequence you used with your client – get out the Don’t Want, then focus on the Do Want. Thanks for all you do with your work to help her get to the dream 🙂