The Seduction of Old Money Ways

In talking to some of you through the offer in the Solopreneur Toolkit for the Befriending Money Insight session, the question arises – how do you cross that continential divide that equals real change? Well, as the metaphor implies, walking across any divide is no walk in the park. If it were not uncomfortable to stay where we are, we would not change. So there must be a little umph from the universe to encourage our adventuring past the edge of the known.

You want to change money cooties to money peace. You want to increase your peace-generating, world change-contributing income. You want to leap from survival mode to ease, or certainly to paying those bills without nail biting every month. You want to create an income cushion that gives you a choice about whether you really want to ride on that surge one month, sink the next, income roller coaster. What does it take?

Creating true change of this nature has been an electric topic for the species of late. It’s especially relevant as we straddle the old and new paradigms represented by our 2012 corridor’s request to transform the current paradigm, with all it’s dysfunction and disregard. And individually, it’s a similar divide to cross, from your old money patterns that brought you here, to the new ones beckoning.

It’s as scary and strange for each of you as it is for Wall Street, having no idea how this new way will look, and fighting it tooth and nail.

There is a gap, a void, between the old and the new. The old is seductive, because it is known. My client Karen is much in demand, managing her business as well as several day job projects. She is on the verge of really breaking into some new ground in her business. The gap of new creation is before her. What happens? Ah, another project from the day job invites her attention. And as we know, there is only so much attention to go around – and it’s usually quite a premium for the solopreneur.

When holding a vision of the new way, the old way will attempt to seduce you. Sometimes it seems a test. Are you sure you want that, sure you’re able to do that, sure you want to deal with all that change and newness? And there are times you might not feel ready. When you are, it takes some trust and patience to create the space for the new to land.

For Karen, these types of day job opportunities often show up at that threshold when her business was about to leap ahead. It’s not yet visible. The old way on offer promised secure income, though less than the potential her vision held. The vision was not concrete yet, but she knew this threshold, and she knew she was tired of delay. She had to say no to the known, to show her willingness to truly change and serve. She had to cultivate trust and live in the void a bit empty for a while, to cross that divide. The old is safe, but yeah – oh so old.

To stay with the old way, you have to continue to pledge allegiance to the old money ways, and old limiting beliefs. For Karen at this crossing, those beliefs included that sense of – this money showed up, better take it because it’s a sure thing and the vision isn’t – I’m already overcommitted but I’ll just work harder – if I don’t rescue this this, who will? Etc. The energy of it – can you feel it? Not the trust and ease trail, is it? Yet wouldn’t that rescue drama give you that feeling you’re needed? Bah! Oh so seductive. And it will be skilled seduction at this edge! Don’t buy it.

With the energy of risk and change all around us, let’s lean into this edge. In past times, it might have worked to say – well, I’ll just do this holding pattern for another round. Not any more. At least not for those needed and on the current trail of Transformation Imminent.

Pack a yummy lunch, and don’t forget the sun screen! That light is strong in the high country of the new.

Blessings of healthy wealth and brave stretches across the void,

Denise Barnes


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