Speaking of the perfect gift …
This thing we call life, this little walk through the woods of Earth, has many paths. Just like all the parts and systems involved in creating a great business, our lives have many important parts. There are all of the aspects of you alone – body, mind, spirit – and all it takes to make those great – creativity, nutrition, exercise. There are all of the parts of the world outside you – work, spirituality, relationships – and the critical means of enhancing these – training, meditation, communication.
See how I’m just naming a few facets of this huge diamond? Imagine a ‘site map’ of life – both the individual and collective realms – it would be huge! In this season of giving, let’s drill down deep into the core. In all of the facets of the jewel of you, all the different sides of your walk through life, there’s a fundamental nucleus. There is an essence that can be seen as the gift of all gifts.
This gift is the genius within you. For many of you, your calling is finding a way to name, develop, and contribute this genius to the world.
Here are the synonyms listed for genius on thesaurus.com.
Einstein, ability, accomplishment, acumen, acuteness, adept, aptitude, aptness, astuteness,
bent, brain, brilliance, capability, capacity, creativity, discernment, endowment, expert, faculty, flair, grasp, head, imagination, inclination, ingenuity, inspiration, intelligence, inventiveness, knack, mature, originality, percipience, perspicacity, power, precocity, prodigy, propensity, prowess, reach, sagacity, superability, talent, turn, understanding, virtuoso, wisdom
Okay, back to the serious stuff.
You know that feeling when you’re using some of your genius, right? When you are doing this “good work”, time flies. It often doesn’t feel like work when you’re in the zone and have a good work environment. Isn’t it great when your being is activated in that way? That energy of full-on creative and yet centered activity – I like the term engaged peace to describe this.
All is right in your world – and often THE world, when you can connect, touch and share your gift. This deep genius of yours is so happy to be shared. (We could call it the ho of genius…)
Honoring this gift in the form of your calling is bigger than you. It’s bigger than the feel-good state of having fun painting even, though this is way cool. Expressing your gift in the world through sharing your work so that it has its full impact on others takes your gift giving up a notch.
Honoring your gift and heeding the path of your calling – that’s when you give back this gift of all gifts. You give back to the creator and to the world. Anyway that you can touch your gift, nurture it, and express it – this changes others, and changes the world.
Some of you are here for what feels like some big reason, at a critical time of evolution. You fulfill a big part of the reason you’re here when you shine this light in any way you can. As intimidating as it can be sometimes to step forth with this sacred part of yourself, if you don’t, you’re holding out on us.
So don’t be stingy now. Shine friend shine.
And be sure to gift comments and questions below.
Soul Business Savvy Bottom Line:
There is a lot to manage in this life. There are many important things to juggle. If you are feeling that pressure to create more meaning, more ease with your business, and/or contribute more, you are not alone. Even a 10-20 minute a day practice, or some small amount of time per week, can start to resuscitate your gift if it’s been neglected. And if your gift is part of your business and your business isn’t yet supporting unabashed gift sharing, don’t fret – vee have vays to shift dis. Gift me a call.
Happy gift giving!!
Denise Barnes