Whadya do? Soul Labor Pains Part 3

You can feel crazed and crazy sometimes, as well as scared, depressed, and well, excited too – when you’re in that back and forth, contraction/expansion phase of stepping up to bigger things in your business and life’s work. The recent term is “up-leveling”. That may mean you’re increasing your visibility, and taking a clearer (and often more edgy) stand with your biz. Maybe you’re raising prices as you start to really see the value of what you offer. Perhaps you’re starting to network, or put out products, or speak to groups – there are so many ways to expand when you’re called!
This series discusses the contraction part of the cycle of expansion for Soul Business Owners – part 1 names what these labor pains can look like, and part 2 looks at what they can mean. The good news is, if you play your cards right, this is the precursor to a potential birth or rebirth. And yet, before that new phase is born, just like a new baby – there can be a bit of a mess when you’re “coming out”. Now you don’t want to get lost here (who’d want to stay in labor indefinitely?) – and yet you need to go through this. So let’s look at what you can do while in the throes of soul labor pains. 
By the way, I wish I could say you birth this baby once and you’re done, dear reader. In my experience, this is a rinse and repeat cycle. When you are really engaged in a major “up-leveling”, it’s as if you are being groomed for stardom or even political office! All the dark corners must be cleansed . You cannot pass go or successfully negotiate the passage with excess baggage. 
For soul biz owners, this often means needing to clear their own limiting beliefs or “wound conclusions” from early days (or past lives). If these beliefs and conclusions based on trauma and wounds of the past are not cleared, you’ll continue to project that unfinished business and distorted view onto your life. For soul biz warriors, those projections often center on money, marketing and sales – your own or others. And you just can’t expand, in a good way, with that crap wreaking havoc and holding down energy that needs to be channeled into the next evolution. 
You will often be triggered, and uncomfortable here. You may get really enraged in a way that seems a bit over the top. Watch what buttons are getting pushed and why that may be the case. For example, as I was going through some recent up-leveling steps, one coach’s marketing was really pissing me the fuck off! (Maybe I’ll have my comedy character Tina dress her down – just for an example of how silly one can get in these spots!) But as soon as I spoke my criticism of this coach out loud, I could sense my critical energy and strong reaction was really about my own fears and need for stretching into a whole new world of being, of pricing, and of getting clear about the value, the huge flippin value in fact, of what I offer. 
The coach who triggered me happened to be an expert at that stuff – and she wasn’t apologizing for being rich as well as hugely impactful with her life’s work. So, though I had a biting and witty criticism that might have gotten me some laughs in a comedy club – the real challenge was watching my reaction, and leaning in, with compassion and curiosity, to my growth edge there that was beckoning. Needless to say, I’m attending this coach’s live event next March. 
So… good to have a perspective on the process, and name some tools that will come in handy when you’re in the delivery room yet again. It’s also key to remember WHY you’re doing this too, okay? (It’s easy to lose perspective when in the birth canal or delivery room.) You may want to write down why you are stretching yourself and saying YES! to the soul biz warrior path.
Here we are at the 11/11/11 portal. Here comes 2012. The clarion call has been sounding – do you feel it? You do this because you’re called. You do this, you navigate this dragon’s lair, to make a difference in this changing world, and to influence that change in a way that will make or break our galaxy. You’re doing this because you MUST express your soul’s calling, use your sacred gifts, and grow through this edge of evolution. 
If you DON’T step up to this call on this one in a million threshold we’re on, you’ll experience any of the following: you’ll live to regret it, you’ll live that life of quiet desperation, you’ll feel like you’re missing a big point to life. You’ll certainly not be any fun at all, at the story-telling segment of the after life party with the pomegranate nectar. In short, you’ll kind of hate yourself for not braving the challenge. When you’re dead, the reasons for NOT doing the mission, while they seem so compelling in the  human skin –  are poppycock to the angel realm. Nope, they’re not going to hold water, certainly not the holy water of why you incarnated at this time, 11-11-11, in this life.
Now we wouldn’t want that, would we?
Here are a few options, and of course – there are more – and I’d love to hear your comments below.
I know, you had big plans. Why just this week I thought I’d do a little rewrite, a bit of a tweak on my website, on Monday – yeah oh, 4-6 page of rewrites, but especially updating the home page, and …. yeah. Uh, no. There was something else that needed attention, and the cosmic intercom called me to the delivery room. Be right back, website…. (breathe, breathe, push, push, scream, curse, ayyiiiiii!!!)
As you know, the part of me that made the list with “website rewrite” on it – well that’s not the only game in town, eh? Besides “mind-made” plans, you may need some energy healing/clearing, some limiting belief work, some physical adjustments, some letting go of old behaviors or less than ideal clients, or some other revision to business as usual. You may need to attend to your personal realm of care. You may have some integrity issues that are ready for another level of honesty and truth polishing. You may have some communication issues to clear. 
Oh that soul has it’s own plan, cheeky way- shower that it is. Good news is, often the hardest part here is just again stopping, slowing down (half the battle of healing), and making soul contact. Often your inner self, soul etc. whatnot, is just dying to update you, upgrade you, and give you the skinny on what’s up and what’s needed next. You just gotta get still and listen. (And of course you need tools for that soul contact and communication – stay tuned for a special bonus gift next week in that realm.)
Sometimes there is a part of your life that is out of balance. You may need to spend more time using your gifts, regardless of whether they’re making money yet. You may need to get some training to improve a skill that’s become more critical to the next level you’re rising to. You may need to clear some addiction stuff or behavior that no longer serves. You may need to strengthen your faith. You just might need a damn vacation! Again, it’s time to have regular meetings with your soul board of directors to keep up to date on what’s needed next. 
Sometimes, you just need to dump more material possessions or clean out the closet/file drawer. Decluttering can be a great practice. When in doubt about what to do next, decluttering helps to make room for the new. It also clears your head and heart – keep your to do list nearby, because a lot will occur to you as you’re filing. 
Personally, I find divination tools very helpful, like different tarot-type cards (love the Mayan Oracle for instance), and I’ve noted I’m loving the Runes lately, Nordic stones that have suggestions for the journey. In fact, I just picked one for us on this topic, and as usual it has some great wisdom to share. Here’s just a bit of the Rune Eihwaz, Defense, about what to do:
Receiving the Rune Eihwaz, you are put on notice that, through inconvenience and discomfort, growth is promoted. This may well be a trying time. Certainly it is a meaningful one… The obstacles on your path can become the gateway to a new life unfolding. Set your house in order, tend to business, be clear, and wait on the Will of Heaven.
There are so any things contraction can mean and look like – and lots of options for what to do.  BTW – sometimes the stuckness just clears and you’re ready to proceed. Who knew? The Soul Biz Warrior path, like the times we’re living in, require a whole new way of navigating the world. Good to further strengthen your internal compass and your intuitive trend-sniffing skills. 
Blessings to you and your business,
Denise Barnes 

2 thoughts on “Whadya do? Soul Labor Pains Part 3”

  1. How’d you know I needed to declutter? This week’s blog rocks. Helped me refocus. Your language is great.

  2. Thanks Chris, glad this was helpful. And yeah, speaking for myself, I can always declutter, but at certain times – especially needed. May the declutter dust settle with many insights and momentum for your work. Best to you, Denise

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