10 Steps to Empower Income – a 20 Minute Daily Practice

It’s been so fun doing my first Raise Your Money Ceiling webinar. It’s a great group. The format has me creating power points, to illustrate concepts I’ve been exploring for months. Here is a summary of how to best use the Money Empowerment Realms to create more income or more gift-connected work. Or anything you want, for that matter. Feedback very welcome.
Ever tried to apply the concepts of wealth creation, as discussed say in The Science of Getting Rich (Wallace Wattles book)? And do you have that tropical island yet? Great! Pick me up in your custom jet, and we’ll do lunch.

Seriously, part of the challenge I’ve seen with the multi-dimensional science of creation, whether it’s for money or other life enhancing substances, is it requires realm straddling. You might already be used to this as a spirit having a human experience. This is where you gain expertise as a chaos theory practitioner. Or a shape shifter. Or an ADHD alchemist. Yep, these are not necessarily the bullets you’d include on the resume, but it is the more subtle energy that often wins you the job interview.

I call the wealth creation realm straddle the Money Empowerment Realms (MER). You can see a quasi-instructive diagram here. Simplified, it names three realms to befriend for wealth creation – the practical, the magical, and the actionable (aka right action). The practical refers to the balancing of the checkbook type things; the magical is the energetic work of setting your intention and all that visualizing hocus pocus.

The actionable zone is taking right action, even if you don’t FEEL like it. This area is the lightning rod of the two realms, attending to practical action while also staying alert for intuitive suggestions (magical realm) for any actions that may serve your creation process. The latter is the fun one that you sometimes can’t explain adequately to passersby – not always logical, but potent nonetheless.

You can customize your 10 steps by checking out the visual and substituting practical and magical steps that feel most relevant for you in your current creative process. Here is an example of the 10 step realm straddling alchemy, and the basic model I recommend to most clients as a starting point. The first four steps might take a half hour, but then you are ready for the 20 minutes or less a day Mr. Money Mojo Rising practice.

Magical realm 1) Set your intention. Pick a money raising or work improvement intention for example. You need to name it clearly, and it needs to feel manageable, achievable. If you are new to this game, start small and build your confidence. See if you notice acceleration and increased accuracy of results – else, why bother?

Magical realm 2) Name the higher quality (HQ) this will help you express. Often we don’t want more money just so we can swim naked in mountains of cash in the privacy of our mansion. (Great visualization though, huh?) Especially for the spiritually-inclined, heart-centered, what-have-you-blooming majority, more income and better work translate to increased expression of qualities like peace of mind, or love, or joy, or creativity, or fuller embodiment. Contribution. Aliveness. So fully imagine you’ve got this thing, take a deep breath, and check out what higher quality it will bring you. Knowledge of the HQ of your goal acts like a magnet for your desire. If it’s not completely clear at first what the quality is, see if an image comes to mind, or a body posture or a new depth of breath. That’s a fine start.
Magical realm 3) Name the essence(s) this will bring to you. The essence of a thing is the features, the functional type of qualities that having this desire will give you. Say you and I want a car. You might want a vehicle with great air conditioning that impresses potential clients you transport to job sites. I might want a fast car that also can get me reliably to the cross country ski sites in the winter snow and ice. It’s important to get clear on these, else you end up with the thing and it doesn’t deliver what you’d hoped.

Magical realm 4) Ask for the thing and let it go. This is where you assertively ask for your desire in a clear format – be it in writing, in lighting a candle or some kind of ritual – basically, saying, “Yo Universe, my friend. Please take note of this humble request for this or something better, for my highest good, and the highest good of all”, blah blah blah. Then you let it go, in a way. This means you’ve seeded your intention, and you’ll feed your goal ju ju without obsessing and awaiting its arrival.

This takes some trust and faith. You know the higher quality, you know the essence you need, and you trust the universe to bring it on – though it might not be in the form your puny human capacity imagines. So let it go, and watch for the HQ and essences of your request showing up in funny ways. Sometimes your car may come in a very different form – for example, a custom jet…that wants to take you to lunch in Fiji.

Practical realm 5) Examine the Practical Zone needs. Time to straddle. Practice that yoga posture first that stretches your hips – a few leg stretches won’t hurt either. Now, remember that circle of practical zone items? Was there one that you winced at? Are you living within your means? Do you have that debt management plan? Okay, no worries. This is all in flux, thank goodness for chaos theory – and it’s not all about the money. But it is an important realm, and true wealth means a balanced straddle. So, give each of these practical zone areas a number from one to ten, with ten being the highest. Note the three lowest scores. Then, from those, pick a practical realm area that needs some lovin’. This will be the area you’ll dedicate half of the daily twenty minutes to.

Right Action realm 6) Have a Fun Money Meeting. Okay, maybe now you are thinking of an intention or an area to focus on. You may have a practical zone you want to work with. Okay, that’s stretching it, but you’ve glanced at some options. Now to launch this practice, and to try a new way to work with the green, set up a 30-60 minute planning meeting. Think of a way or several ways to make this fun – go to a café, wear sexy clothes or a funny hat, have great music on, reward yourself with treats, etc. Your mission is to create the space in your day/week for this twenty minute practice – 10 for the practical and 10 for the magical. Read on for more ideas, but take this meeting to get your practical zone organized, and clarify your intention, HQ and essences. Nice hat!

MER Straddle 7) Take Notes, Mark Time. When you have your intention clear, give yourself a time frame. Yes, the universe laughs when humans bring in time to a creation equation, but do it anyway. Again if you’re a bit new to this type of experiment, or a bit rusty, start with something you might create in 30-60 days. Get or use a notebook to note your start date, your hoped-for end date, and any progress toward your goal that occurs.

Magical realm 8) Do 10 minutes of magical realm practice daily. This can be as simple as visualizing your intention, and/or embodying your higher quality, for five minutes at a time, as you wake, and as you are going to sleep. Your mind will wander, so mark the time, and keep bringing it back. The bonus here is that the relaxation from the visualizing is easy, calming and clarifying. Hey, this is the only time I get to hang out in a hammock on the ocean side!

Practical realm 9) Do 10 minutes of practical realm practice daily. If you are working on living within your means, for example, this might be where you tally receipts at the end of the day, and adjust your per diem based on your spending or lack of it. Ten minutes won’t kill you, and the bonus is that it will add up to big changes in no time.

MER Straddle 10) Watch for Shifts Happening. Of course, your goal swimming into your lap is one shift. But with this multi-dimensional, realm-straddling empowerment practice, all kinds of shifts could occur. You might find other ways to express this HQ that are income-generating, gift work-creating, or just plain fun.

You may find you get better (and actually start to look forward) to money work, as you switch from hapless victim to scenic route driver, with that fun-money-meeting hat on the whole while. You may get intuitive inspiration to take a step in an entirely different realm you’ve been eying for a while. You might meet a fairy or a leprechaun. You might get invited to lunch on an island in the tropics. Who knows? Give it a month, and let me know how it goes.
How does your wealth creation practice straddle different realms? Talk back below… 
Happy fireworks,
Denise Barnes

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