The Road to Money Yummy
The road to wealth is a journey all right. Sometimes the signs are clear, sometimes not. This articles talks about the 3 “constructions zones” of wealth, and how your inner and outer wealth balance might give clues about potent next steps for your own journey to more wealth and balance. See next section if you’d like to consult with me about this.
Sara’s a great artist, with wonderful spiritual depth, but she’s frustrated finding well-paying work that uses her genius. Janet’s got the corporate job security and good health benefits, but the secure feeling she has about her finances doesn’t compensate for the unsatisfied cravings she has to explore her creative and small business ideas.
Both of these women are stuck in a lopsided wealth scenario. This is where a deficit or unaddressed area on one side of the inner/outer wealth equation undermines money peace. The good news is that if you recognize a lack of balance with inner or outer wealth, you can use it as a compass, and guide, for what steps to take next to increase your wealth balance and your peace with money.
Money peace for light workers means you not only have enough money coming from fulfilling work to meet your needs, you also have a strong and balanced inner/outer wealth scenario. Strong inner wealth (heart, spirit, art, love) and outer wealth (finances, good work, success and contribution) create wealth equilibrium, that scintillating stance of spiritual genius and fulfillment I’ve been referring to lately as “money yummy”. Sounds a little decadent, but don’t be fooled – it’s no free lunch – it’s an ass-kicking spiritual path.
So, how do you know where you are in the road map to peaceful wealth, while fulfilling this light worker adventure/mission? And even more critical, how do you move forward, and make progress toward the four star money yummy rating? Let’s look at the three construction zones of wealth for a few clues, and come back to Sara and Janet to see what they might do next to free themselves from a lopsided money dance.
There are three areas to master in the road to enlightened economics. Keep in mind this path is not just about finances, but about creating spiritual and creative fulfillment with your whole life. It’s not asking for much, just total heaven on earth, right? Yep, this is the adventure you’re here for, and the one you have the skill and lifetimes of experience to create – though it may not always feel that way. The money’s just another possible path of acceleration toward this vibrant creation of peaceful passion.
You probably know what “practical” means when it comes to money. It can be boring or stressful at first to begin working this realm, and to return to it as often as needed to know where you stand with money – today, this month, this year. It’s kind of like when the monk has to scrub the floor on his hands and knees when he first arrives at the ashram.
At first, the monk is like, WTF? What did I do to deserve this nonsense? But inside she knows there is something more going on than cleaning the mud from the wood grain. Later on, hopefully she gets to use the mop, and even the buffing machine – just like you can use software and other systems to make this area a bit more fun. With time, the monk is thrilled with floor mopping of any kind – she’s transcended the form of it, and has reached the “be”ing place of peace. There, no mud-packed entry way will phase her.
Checkbook balancing, paying bills on time, living within your means. Renting versus buying a home, savings, college funds, emergency funds. Retirement. Investing. Debt and net worth. Taxes. Estate planning. OMG – is this just the sexiest paragraph in all of creation? Still your beating heart {!firstname_fix}; I haven’t even mentioned that edge of your seat daily practice – the spending plan. Ow baby!
Don’t mention money software sister. Quick Books – stop it!, oh yeah. Wait, you’ve created your own spread sheet for your money scene? Get outta town girl! And take me with you! I know you’ll be able to spring for the good stuff with that kind of money respect going on… I’m with you!
The practical realm can appear like those gargoyles guarding the gate, before you befriend or deflate them by being willing to show up. Once you’ve scrubbed this zone’s floors for a few months or years, a whole new reality blossoms. Having enough money to take care of your needs – all of them – and to be generous to others, is a great foundation for your life. It makes working and playing for God ever so much easier.
Okay if you haven’t hear of the Law of Attraction, you are new to this planet and time zone – Welcome intrepid traveler! This is the inside, more spiritual story of creating wealth. Key points: Intention – naming your desire clearly, feeling deserving of increased income (i.e., regulating self esteem plummets, mood swings, blame and judgment – which all come up when you reach for higher goals). This is also where you’ll need to get clear of old programming. Don’t worry, you won’t have to send out the search parties – anytime you expand, the old limits will want to have a chat with ya.
Our ancestral bookcases and family lines are overstuffed with all kinds of compelling reasons why wealth and money peace are very bad ideas – or just not for you. It can take quite a while to unravel this faulty, obsolete programming. There are tools for this, to help you work this magic. You may be scrubbing floors for a bit before you get to the pay dirt of good flow and energy with money. Better flow can happen quickly as you grow in understanding of how this works, and your momentum starts to build. For example, when you get clear about paying off debt, or saving for a new item, you often get to the black or the goal sooner, when you use the magical realm’s help.
There has been a lot of hype and misinformation emanating from some of the attention on this realm. Be clear and cautious about your experiments here, and know that what works for Jane Abundance author might not be your way. You each create your own versions of this magic, and bring your own experiences to it.
Being clear about what you want to create and what your idea scene is, and why – these are key organizing principles. Due to old programming, many can hardly name their desires, never mind include the emotion and detail necessary to back these requests. Another key point, rather than just chasing after your dream, is recognizing the true wealth qualities this goal would bring to you internally. (Key 1 in the Four Keys to Healthy Wealth). Then, give thanks for the ways in which you already have this. That attracts more of the same.
Playing in this magic realm adds a whole other dimension to attracting wealth. It’s the difference between working for a living and working for the higher good – using your gifts and your genius to create and contribute. When you start to understand how to create things in this way, attracting wealth gets fun. When you get to this place, while having enough to be free of worries – it can really seem magical.
I’ll talk more about ways to debug the programming in a future article.
Okay, now it sounds like we’re talking about football – and it’s true that this Right Action zone requires some fancy footwork and killer timing. Right action is where the rubber of the practical side of money meets the expansive road of the dream you want to manifest. This is where you stand back and see what is needed to increase your inner and outer wealth balance. (Go here to do my inner and outer wealth assessment – which side is stronger for you?)
You may already know possible next steps intuitively, or, you may need to do a bit of soul searching and consult with other sources/support people to get clear. Both Sara and Janet know something is off, and yet they might not be sure how to address this. Tea with a trusted friend might be a good place to start. Just explore your sense of what’s out of balance, and brainstorm about how to get more information or support – this is a great start.
Right action is often edgy and intimidating. Sara knows she needs some outer wealth muscle building. Okay, maybe the dream of being a famous artist right out of grad school isn’t panning out. Like most light workers, Sara has tons of skills and gifts that could be used, that still relate to her mission. One option for research might be getting the low cost career assessment offered at her local YWCA, and getting some objective career counseling input on how to best match her skills to the best paying day job. One thing is clear – more balance for her would mean facing her embarrassment, fear, and not good enough programming to investigate this area. She also would benefit from more conscious spending.
For Janet, the challenge would be to take an honest look at her life stage. Financially, she can actually better use her wealth by tracking her spending more, just like Sara. She also needs to meet with her investment advisor, and get some objective input about her retirement funds, and whether she can really afford to cut back on her hours. This would be a big change for her family and her boss – but if they have her best interests at heart, this is a good thing. If not, that is good to know too. Can’t you just feel the relief of Janet even considering this move?
When you are seated well in the right action realm, you chose to face your fears and shift faulty programming. These steps call for your attention all the time, and when you slow down you can hear them. It doesn’t work to avoid these calls for action – and it’s usually unpleasant for the patient universe to call you to the carpet.
When you make the move first, though again it can be scary and boat rocking, it becomes more of a magic carpet ride, than the called-to-the-carpet-burn experience.
No, enlightenment and money yummy states aren’t static – there will be ups and downs. But tasting financial nirvana is a wonderful repast. Enough money to relax – into the present – into using your true gifts – into satisfying your mission to help the planet now – into your best creative balance of both inner and outer wealth realms. Though not for every light worker, this demanding and rewarding path will always be available. When you are in the mood to scrub, I mean to account for your life energy and how well you are using it, all you need to do is have that money meeting, or practice a magical realm meditation, or take a right action.
Rooting for your increase in money peace,
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