Spring greetings fair adventurers,
Now that we have a taste – okay a full meal – of the new road ahead, the sky is full of smoke from more than rubber burning. There is even more to let go of, even less slack. Make sure all you carry serves you, says Gaia in pouty Diva mode. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Oh! watch that pillar coming down! Phew, you saw it too. Things are shaking and rolling here in March 2011. That “you are here” map has revised itself 16 times in the last weeks. In the external realm, Japan is quaking. And as shaman Jose Stevens points out in this article – these earthquakes and fires, floods and meltdowns are within us too.
I’ve been a bit verklempt in how exactly to keep to the editorial schedule (a discussion of the practical realm of wealth balance) while doing the dimensional shift dance. Then I had the aha (and luckily, a return of the ha ha), that hey – this is exactly our challenge in the crazy times we’re in. There are just a few more – what – minutes? decades? of keeping up the pretense that it’s only us humans here. Versus spirit-fire-breathing pieces of god.
Time to pull up the “big player” tricks and strategies, and remember a few essential ingredients that are easily forgotten in the shaking mode. It is humbling, and good incentive to strengthen your prayer launches. I think still that “who me, a spirit-fire-breathin’ spy?” mode switches on, hoping for some promised rose garden. Maybe all the foundation shifts can happen with ease and grace. Um… yeah. And maybe even if they don’t, we’ll be reminded to do all we know, to be more grounded, and more connected, than ever. The multi-dimensional (D), multi-tasking dance.
Just one more portal that says – are you ready? Are you free? Are you remembering you are not of this world, yet a major player / server? Can fun still be had in the midst of the phoenix ashes on your nose? Whew, I say again. The multi-D multi-task asks us to mindfully release the mind. Time to enter the new zone of letting different intelligences and different energy centers take their new leadership roles.
So I send you faith, trust and appreciation. Incredible times, and big gift that you are here. Don’t worry, the worst (and best) is that we’ll die. Before that, there are many gifts to give and receive. From these ashes, the diamond DNA is rising. You get to be here. Breathe that in.
Note: You may start to see words and phrases that raise the eyebrows of the old self, the mind manager etc. Just find a mantra to send reassurance, such as “No sense is new sense”. Whisper to your mind, or the ego rider – It’s okay – Just go with it.
Let’s talk about a few basics of the practical realm of wealth balance.
So, you want to play pretty money music {!firstname_fix}? I see lots of natural talent – and not everyone has that. The ground of your caring heart, and your inspiration to serve – nope, not in all hearts. That’s like the good tone in a singer, or nice long fat fingers on a bass player. You’ve got the chops friend. Let’s talk… scales.
While everyone’s money music may march to the beat of a slightly unique drummer, most want to be rich and happy, to quote a book title. In the soul savvy case, that means worthy, growthful work, and peace and creativity with money.
Many lightworkers have been on the “monk payroll” in past times. Though that’s over, the residue resides. Well, this planet needs us rich with resources and cash. It’s needs us to get beyond survival and power games, mindless anxiety and coin counting. You have the inner wealth path of the equation. Now to master the peace and power that comes from fearless money management of the outer wealth world. Sorry, I’m not talking about whipping out the credit card at will.
Living within your Means
In this song, the first verse is about honoring the energy of money. So if this were a good friend, how would you do that? You might spend some time together. Get to know each other. Delve into the ups and downs of the ins and outs of spending. Be gentle and yet forthright when there is a tendency to hide.
Regular attention to the field. Sitting down weekly, and monthly and quarterly to track spending. Taking time to get the big picture plan, and then to revise it, over and over. Facing the music of your spending habits – do they have Charlie Sheen moments? Do they go back to the frugal monk mode when you’re freaked?
Living within your means. It doesn’t sound sexy, I know. It’s kind of like the expectation that sex will get boring after many years. Ask some of your long married friends about this one. It may be a more peaceful excitement over time, but it is still way hot. But mastering the flow to allow for not only the critical needs, but the nurturance of your spirit-filled flesh – it’s a good practice. It leads to some very lovely sonatas.
I loved watching a good friend of mine manage a long and at times gnarly transition in the employment realm. He at one point was working for royalty. Then that source dried up – yes – the one constant in life and money/assets is change. So he had to hit the pavement, and it had been a few decades since he did that walk.
But he had a mortgage now. Oh he had the right livelihood, and the true gift work. But that wasn’t paying at the moment. So he took a day job. And after a year, and some amount of getting jerked around by the boss, he successfully created, and courageously negotiated, a well-paying day job. Then he could cut back to part-time, and that paid the overhead. Then with the 2 or 3 days left of the week, he could get back to devoting time to the true work.
You need to constantly upgrade your skills and tweak the use and descriptions of your gifts. You are your best advocate. It’s painful for us monk types to do this, and it’s hard to face the reality of retirement, college funds, and the like, when you are wondering if you can pay the bills. So if the means aren’t meeting or covering the ends – keep at it, keep aware, keep your eyes open – and plan accordingly.
You all have special gifts. You may have some blind spots or handicaps too. If you aren’t quite sure of what some next steps might be to increase your income or get more training to improve your skills, your business success or your employability, help is available. Ask for it. Ultimately, you are on a path to unearth and get paid for your true genius. Then, when you are working, it feels more like flow than just slogging along.
Peace with Money. Balanced Wealth. Giving and receiving with equilibrium, sharing gifts in service. Having a well-valued contribution to others, that enables you to give yourself good care, and place your loved ones in a blanket of nurturance. These are some of the reasons to infuse the money making path with the light of spirit. Some of the reasons and goals you travel through the jet lag-ridden airports.
The planet’s ready for a new way to share energy. The end of the old way is in full view – it’s clearly not sustainable to keep burning oil and nuclear energy. This is the essence of the path – to enable a more aware exchange of power and aliveness. There’s not enough land left to build mansions for any more fools on the hill. And that’s okay, as the realization hits that we’re not really as separate as we thought.
Instant karma, instant feedback – the song of spirit-fueled finances is a whole new genre. You can’t keep it all separate anyway. The practical side wants some energetic infusions too. It’s desperate for some playful dancing. It wants you to see the beauty of a balanced budget, a balanced soul and a balanced planet – one that knows its gifts are being well-used and caringly shared.
So just a few pieces of the practical today – living within your means, creating abundant work that helps you evolve and the income that brings you peace, and sensing into the energetics and the spirit of what money wants to teach you right now. In the multi-dimensional multi-tasking demands of this new world, we won’t keep all the parts separate anymore. The practical will overlap with the spiritual/magical (realm 2) realm of creating balanced wealth. Action, the third realm, can call you at any time. Actions that call you and surprise you – often a very good sign – as they often arise from the realm beyond mind.
Scales can feel boring at times, but playing them faithfully explodes a musician’s capacity to create and perform beautiful music. Attending to the practical side of money management is the same. Oh you don’t want to go there, you procrastinate, you talk a good talk to yourself on why you’re probably fine without it. Eventually, you sit down, and you caress that scale of numbers. You enter the data, or you balance the checkbook. You schedule the time in for the taxes. You groan and create the debt payment plan.
And then there is a sound, a stirring, and a shift, as the universe hears your new tune. What happens then … is a most welcome chord change.
Blessings and courage to you,
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