I’ve been hiking lately with the yummy summer season (if you’re up at 10,000 feet that is), and got to thinking about the speed of things. When you hike, and you’re trying to get more fit (that would be me), you might focus on beating your own time (or my mad speed demon of a friend’s time). This is cool for some hikes, and some life processes you want to get through as quickly as possible.
Yet when you are walking upon the good goddess’ latest bouquet of mind-bogglingly-colored mountain meadows, you can’t help but feel the inner YIELD sign arise. Sure you can just <stop>. Even if you keep moving, it’s amazing how just a bit of easing off the gas pedal can allow awareness and healing to come into the picture. A slight mph adjustment can change the world at times.
Maybe there’s a reason they call it “breakneck” speed (quite the term, eh?)
I can recall many healing crises of self and other, where the first step is just to pause – or stop completely. How many rituals begin with this? How many shocking medical diagnoses start with a complete screeching halt? If you fall, or get sick – how long is it before you hear the knock of the Wisdom of Slow dude? (Come in, you say. Then the eye gazing begins … Gulp!)
We’re on the threshold of potentially massive change – even though the current times attempt to maintain a normal appearance. The assemblage points (reference points of reality) – the ones that aren’t going to work in the new paradigm ahead – are being scrambled. Reprogramming appears to be afoot. Time to surrender, my friends.
Take for example my old (ha ha) way of working – hardly stopping for breaks, neglecting fun and creative time. Cosmos is not letting me pass go anymore with that. My Mrs. Potato Head soul features feels a bit topsy turvy. (Is this where my soul nose goes? Since when is it a red-sponge-shaped circle?)
Thank goodness for all the work, training, spiritual practice under our belts. Testing, testing, 1,2,3 … Engage! Make it so! Wisdom of Slow dude, better strap yourself in.
Good to remember that this next oh, decade or third of a century will likely involve many healing crises, personal as well as planetary. The systems need to crash and be rebuilt. It’s going to take a lot of patience, humor and “in the world but not of it” innovation. You many wonder at times if you are up for the task. Yep. Yet there’s no tellin’ where our soul nose will be found at various times of the upheaval. Good thing that there cartilage is flexible.
Do you ever recall being with yourself or another in a healing crisis? Sometimes the first step there is to just s . . l . . o . . w everything d. . . o. . . w. . . n. Like my friend who slipped while we were hiking and crunched up her hip. We stopped and did a body alignment exercise, right in the dirt. Took some minutes to breathe and note the impact and ouchiness. Boof! She was shocked that there were no pain or kink leftovers. The movement work helped – but just heeding the STOP sign is half the battle.
Playing with speed includes spiritual practice, which tends to lift your foot off the gas pedal quite well. Even driving for example, can be a great practice area. If you regularly drive 10 miles over the speed limit or more, down shift to 5 over. If you drive 5 over, try driving the actual speed limit. If you drive the speed limit – How courageous! What planet of slow lanes did you incarnate from? Well, you don’t need any of my help. Please contact me to take over this column or download ideas; thanks.
Many compulsive or impulsive tendencies would loose their steam if you cut their speed. Sex, food, communicating, hiking – all of these can be enhanced with deceleration. This is clear with money, too, where there are a number of spots for watching. First, feel the pain, notice the healing crisis approaching. Is it waking up in the morning with the fear of “Not enough, Need more, or What have I done?”Oh, hello you lovely fear. Thank you for this teaching. Deep breath. And Hey, what if there is enough right at this moment? What if I switch gears to gratitude for all that is here? Exhale …
Before you spend money you haven’t signed off on (i.e., impulsive spending or “I know I really can’t afford this but that’s what credit cards are for” spending) – take a big fat deep breath and exhale, saying “Arggghhhhhh”. Feel better already, right? Grin. Then stop, be still and chill. Ask inside – do I really want to spend my energy here? Even if you go ahead with the purchase; you can slow down and be fully aware, noticing the impact after.
Or how about when you are dragging your feet to the money meeting, that scintillating time of the week or day when you crunch your numbers and see how many chai lattes you can treat yourself to, without guilt or fudging. What? You only do this meeting once a month/quarter? How can you put this joy off for so long, my friend? That tension is so much more solid until you open the file and sit your ass down for a brief time. Ah, not as bad as I thought… Or Phew! It’s pretty bad – good thing I slowed down here, and decided what action I can take now.
Anyway, at that moment of friction, you breathe, and just notice the foot cement friction. You wiggle your toes. Spray some lavender or rose water on them. And then imagine yourself spending your money on a luscious latte, without guilt. Okay maybe you’ll had to finally eat the beans and rice in the cupboard, or the veggies in the freezer. But then you will walk into that visa charge with a glint in your eye and a spark to your step. “Hand over that skinny sugar-free vanilla decaf latte,” or “I’d like that couch now!” you bellow with glee! And it’s so good; you leave an extra tip. And breathe deep into your 360 degree awareness moment of money peace.
It does take a lot of extra breathing, if you notice.
Potential money areas you might try slowing down with:
-Using the credit card when you want to abstain or know it ain’t there
-Postponing the money meeting or checkbook balancing
-Feeling lack or an anxiety or a compulsive need to check the Dow Jones
-Spending impulsively and more clearly hearing why you deserve it
-Reverting to an old belief that is in the “shift” lane
-Shrinking from the marketing that will get you to the fun part of your work
-Doubting yourself or not following through after having an impulse to donate
And then there are always plenty of general healing tidbits for the earth/birth walk:
-Breathe (I know, you are hyperventilating by now)
-Be kind to yourself and others – especially yourself – start there friends
-Ask what the gift of this could be, after you let out a few arghhs and bellows
-Slow and easy does it, especially with challenge zones
-Do your practices early in the day so you stay grounded in perfect storms
-Wonder what a comedian might do with this -how would this would be funny in 100 years?
I welcome your comments on slowing down with money and other stories of healing.
Thanks for your presence and willingness to work it. Peace, Denise.