My formula for harnessing holistic wealth power names three realms – the practical, the magical, and the actionable (taking right action). The practical realm is really the ground of it all (see practical article here). As Sanaya Roman, major light work channeler has noted in her book, Creating Money – even when working the magical realm, you also need to balance the checkbook.
Playing with the magical realm without the practical ground under you is a type of spiritual bypass – talking talk without walking the walk. Ascension without bones. Today we’ll talk about some of the important foundations you’ll need for balanced wealth power. This will help a lot to make playing with the magic a lot more effective.
When it comes to the law of attraction, you have to wonder – how can something so simple become so confusing? How can so many promises fail to deliver? And how can so much seemingly valid ancient wisdom be fashioned into such a huge mountain of snake oil pebbles? Well, it’s not all a mess, and, the law of attraction isn’t the only thing afoot in the magical realm of the wealth creation field. It’s just one of the many mountain ranges in the landscape.
There is a lot to discuss to understand the magical realm of money making. If you have been confused about how exactly this works, you are not alone. If you have made many vision boards, and even see some peaking out of the side of the closet, join the hopeful collage cadre. If you’ve been frustrated at how often this seems to fail, let’s see if we can look at the larger context of what you need to make this work well.
One thing to consider when you look at the big picture of money is context. What’s the history of money – for you personally and from the planetary perspective? In the personal realm, you not only have just the impact of money lessons of your early days as that impressionable child who saw behind the words and actions of the adults around you. You have the longer history you inherited from your family line across many generations, your lineage so to speak.
Then there is the planet’s evolution of money. Did you know money was once heavy cement-type wheels of many tons? Humans have shared and hoarded labor and resources, created systems where only the very few had access to coveted riches, and now belatedly recognize the need for green energy and co-housing. Today money’s an invisible substance we flash forward with lightweight plastic cards.
Biologically, we always increase in complexity. We are one celled creatures. We crawl out of the muck and sprout legs and lungs. We dance and sing. Similarly with money, the first step is survival. After survival, while the going may get easier on the physical realm, then you have the challenge of managing your higher intentions in the world with other beings. It takes a lot of body-mind intelligence to match your use of money with your values and dreams. True intelligence here can look like getting clear on what is most important, and disciplining spending even though there is maybe a bit more than just enough. The is where books like The Millionaire Next Door show the counter intuitive truth of the practice of frugality used by many millionaires.
With the law of attraction hype, you have to watch the trap of assuming that more money equals more happiness. This is not the case – just look at the pro sports players and lottery winners who quickly go bankrupt and deal with heart wrenching personal dramas. And today with all the “Get your 6 Figure Income” headlines, keep in mind that most people are quite happy with a five figure income, thank you. Especially when they continue to grow in developing work that uses gifts of their true genius, while growing their contribution to the world at this crucial time.
It’s important to be conscious as your progress from survival to fulfillment, without getting lost in the shuffle of consumption. See this diagram and blurb on The Fulfillment Curve from the classic book, Your Money or Your Life, by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin.
There are three different areas to consider when you are assessing the Cape Canaveral from which you wish to launch balanced and increased wealth. These three areas are your wealth balance, your wealth walk, and your wealth integrity. Let’s look at these a bit to see what’s involved in having a good launch pad for playing well with the magical side of creating more, and more balanced, wealth.
Especially if you are working wealth from a spiritual angle, your wealth balance is important to regularly assess. (assess yours here) My wealth balance assessment measures the strength of both your inner wealth and outer wealth savvy. Many light workers for example, have strong inner wealth – they’re caring, creative, spiritually evolved. But they don’t always have the outer wealth savvy they need – abundant means, fulfilling work that well supports you, emergency, savings and retirement funds, etc. To get to a good place with your wealth balance, you might see where you stand, and take steps to increase the strength of the side that’s hurting. It’s kind of fun to see your wealth balance shift over time, in response to your actions.
Another area for holistic wealth power is your wealth walk – how you navigate the three realms of the practical, the magical and the actionable, in your daily life. This is where the practical is an important foundation and ground. So while it may not hurt to practice the law of attraction when you are homeless, like Joe Vitali relates (homeless to him was a bit different than the usual definition) – it might also make sense to get some free employment coaching or look at what kind of day job you might be good at.
A kick ass wealth walk also means taking right action. I was reminded of this recently when I didn’t want to cook, but had spent the daily budget already on the food in the fridge. Taking right action meant catching up with the receipts enough to see – I didn’t really have the funds to eat out. Catching up with receipts is a lot less glamorous than being served in a restaurant. Cooking dinner at home felt a lot less magical too. Yet doing this several times this week has been better for my health and my peace of mind. That ends up contributing to a more longer term type of magic. Maybe it’s the slow magic movement ; )
The third area of holistic wealth power is your wealth integrity. Integrity here is the life long spiritual journey of evolving to your best self while doing your utmost for all your relations in this lovely world. When this is a money integrity journey, you are always working three zones: self awareness, developing your genius work, and taking action to improve how you relate to others and the world.
With self awareness, you pay attention and do the healing work, any time that your ideal beliefs (the world is a safe and abundant place) clash with old beliefs that need clearing (there’s not enough, and I need to look out for myself). With developing your genius work, you exercise vigilance to assure that you are taking action and getting all the support you need to keep expanding your genius skills, and increasing paid work there. With all my relations integrity, you take the actions needed to play and communicate well with others. So when you keep noticing a lack of clarity with key employees or co-workers, you might look for resources that improve your ability to communicate better. When a healing issue is up, you get the help you need to grow through it.
Wealth balance, wealth walking, and wealth integrity work – it’s a lot. Leaks and glitches in any important areas, and your attraction ability gets a bit wonky. It would be similar to having a big hole in the middle of the launch pad at Cape Canaveral. So while this is more complicated than you might have thought – the good news is, creating a proper launch pad in this realm makes all of life much, much better.
You can do spiritual work in any realm – love, money, service, etc. The thing about money work right now is that it’s up for the whole planet to heal this realm. Your work here – to create peace and integrity with money and resources, to heal scarcity and survival wounds, to trust that we all can have enough – is a major help with this planet’s main evolutionary hurdle for the next decade.
All hands are needed on this stacked and rollicking deck. Thanks for climbing aboard.
Namaste, planetary money healers,
Denise Barnes