At Soul Savvy, we’ve reinvented Masterminds to be uniquely holistic, and especially helpful for our tribe of healers, creatives and visionaries. (It’s #TheSoulSavvyWay.) Last article, we defined a Mastermind group and the benefits they can give you. Here, we’ll cover the unique Soul Savvy approach that makes a Mastermind group a must-have for every solopreneur. While not everyone needs this approach, if you do, it might suck if you don’t have these 4 elements. Those who appreciate this approach walk their talk while activating the Vulcan blessing, to Live Long and Prosper.
Reinventing Mastermind Groups
Napoleon Hill, in 1937’s Think and Grow Rich, described the Master Mind as “two or more people coming together in harmony to solve problems”. Today there’s a new interest in Mastermind groups, and many different approaches. Many Masterminds are a service / product that is for sale, to teach you a specific skill set, and get that business working. Done well, this can be a great boost and learning opportunity.
At, we’ve been using the Mastermind for business growth, but much more. At first, we followed strict “business only” guidelines. But eventually, life happened, to and within our group of healers and creatives. Honing this container for some fifteen years, we recognized it wasn’t as critical for our kind – aka sensitives, empaths – to keep everything so tidily differentiated. Life and business boundaries blended and blurred. And growth happened simultaneously across these borders.
This method is especially relevant and useful for mission based and / or spiritually connected businesses. Heart-centered. Soul guided. You may have heard these terms. The Soul Savvy Mastermind approach takes care to connect with members’ sense of that bigger reality, however it’s defined for them. In this way, the approach sits at the cutting edge of where Energy Psychology and the latest brain science on healing intersects. And while psychology is not the main thrust as it would be in a psychotherapy group, healing issues are allowed. And rather quickly resolved.
If this sounds interesting, our Mastermind group training starts September 10th, 2020. For now let’s cover why this method is so much better for some, than the standard Mastermind training. Yes, the standard covers important business training and some mindset tools. Yet often the standard fare is not as connected to the deep Self, the soul work let’s say, as it is in the Soul Savvy approach.
Four Ways our Mastermind approach is so much better than yours…lol.
1) The Spiritual Ground / Connection to the Bigger Reality
In the Soul Savvy approach, the first step is grounding and connecting the self to the Self. Grounding is a way to clear one’s energy field and get with the moment. This might be as simple as leaving the prior day’s focus behind, taking some deep breaths, and coming into the present group with more awareness. Then the invitation is given to connect with Spirit. From this larger field, one’s business and the focus for the group is viewed.
2) Emotional Intelligence is Included
Mastermind groups and business owners can be very mental and analytical. The male business model often leads in this way. Often, especially in today’s chaotic world, that’s not enough. Growth and transformation often gets a little messy inside and out. When you are growing or upleveling as it’s called, many old beliefs shake your tree, needing to be addressed then cleared. Emotional intel also is key to keep you aligned with the world and your soul. Example from a recent Mastermind group – slowing down to feel the grief of the Colorado wildfires, decimating hundreds of thousands of forest. Not necessarily a solvable problem, but just like BLM, one that a holistic approach needs to honor.
3) The Power of Intuition
Another thing that resides beyond the problem solving mind is intuition. Napoleon Hill said that when two people gather as comrades in this way, there is a force that is created that is like a third force or power. Even more powerful as the spiritual is included, or nonverbal, creative methods given voice, intuition gains strength. Member’s history together also helps increase intuition’s discernment. For any challenge that arises, words ring hollow when the ego’s BSing the group. Intuition is a key feature of the Soul Savvy Mastermind and helps members grow these muscles with speed.
4) Mastermind as Peace Work
For those times when a client conflict or an unending obstacle course greets you on your journey, the Mastermind process can help you mine for truth and insights. Is it poor timing, is it a bad sales page, or is this idea not as good as originally thought? What part of the challenge with the client is your work, your growth edge? After the initial grounding, the Soul Savvy Mastermind gives time for deeper inquiry and indeed, problem solving. This level of harmonic problem solving might have Napoleon Hill dancing in his grave. In a good way…
Again, this approach isn’t for everyone. But for heart-centered, soul-fired business owners? This method rocks. Oh, and I did I say it’s free, once learned? Yes, you don’t need to pay hundreds of thousands for this. You will need to find golden members, which takes attention – and that’s covered in our training.
Does this sound like the Mastermind training for you? Learn more about our upcoming group. Doors close soon, and at the moment there are 3 seats left.
Blessings on your business and your soul genius work!
Denise Barnes and the Soul Savvy Colorado team