Attention highly sensitive, spiritual, and purpose-driven professionals

Looking for work that uses your gifts, pays well, and allows you to thrive—without burning out or settling?

If your work feels like a vampire draining your energy, or if you know deep down that something better is calling you, we might be a fit.

Does this sound like your situation?

  • You’ve been laid off and are struggling to find the right role.
  • You’re dealing with workplace challenges and are done with the stress, the micromanagement.
  • You keep applying and networking but hear nothing but crickets.
  • You’re an entrepreneur or professional holding back from visibility.

I get it. I’ve been there—underpaid, underemployed, working with the wrong clients, or not enough of the right ones. Meanwhile, that more meaningful work is calling, but self-doubt and overthinking keep getting in the way. There were times when I was comfortable, but in the end, comfort was a high price to pay for not get growing my best and deepest work. For some, this contribution work makes is key to a good life. There is something you need to give while you here – and it’s more important than staying safe.

You have an intuition that something better is possible. Let’s follow that.

What I Offer:

I combine practical career strategy with deep intuitive insight to help you claim the work you’re meant to do.

Practical career assessment alongside soul mission and past-life exploration
Stress to Strength tools to shift self-doubt and anxiety into clarity and confidence
Intuitive insight to help you see what’s blocking you and how to clear it
A library of career resources for clarity and strategic action
Holistic techniques to shift limiting beliefs and past trauma
Support that accelerates your work happiness—so you can enjoy the rest of your life – within a six month coaching program

What are Stress to Strength tools?
These are tools from my 2024 book for working with negative thoughts, emotions and overwhelm. Today you need more than a few tools. These four steps and five tools can manage most overwhelm, anxiety and triggers on the way to self expansion. You will grow your understanding what derails you, so you keep moving through blocks and overthinking.

Why Past Life work?
Your soul has a journey, and the gifts you’ve cultivated across lifetimes can reveal what’s truly important for you now. This insight can remove confusion and hesitation, helping you step fully into your purpose. Past life work may not be relevant for everyone and we don’t spend a ton of time there – just checking what matters now from that history. We can also check your energy body (chakras, internal programming) and augment your general grounding. The energy work can note and clear any communication or creativity challenges.

What does this look like?

Learn more about the Four Steps of Soul Fired Work Coaching. The beauty of this model is it combines practical approaches with whole brain tools. You strengthen your coping and your intuition, while on the adventure to expansion that Soul Fired Work entails.

Do you Have the Time?
You would need a minimum of four hours a week to attend sessions, take action steps, get suggestions, and report back on your progress. Expansion does take time, and this coaching also heals things that need attention for your best life.

Is the Timing Right for You?
You might be ready if:
✔ You’re spinning your wheels and know you need real support.
✔ You’re busy, but avoidance keeps you stuck.
✔ You trust your intuition sometimes—but doubt it just as often.
✔ You’re open to inner work to shift your outer work.
✔ You’re excited to take small but powerful daily steps toward your ideal career.

Can you Afford It?
The personal coaching program investment is currently $ 5400. This is for 6 months, with 3 monthly sessions when paid up front. This includes Voxer (voice recording) support between sessions and access to our massive library of resources.
Getting to your “right place” with work means that the rest of your life falls into place beautifully. It is huge to have work aligned with your deeper truth, and have it work with your schedule and your income needs. I watched one client not only get her dream, well paid work, but then find her life partner and start her family. It’s so worth it when you’re ready!

Are you comfortable with inner work, and shifting the ways you get stuck?
Clients I’ve worked with often had to change time and energy drains on the way to better work. These became quickly visible and sometimes shifted more easily than you might expect. They needed to renew practices and learn tools to stay grounded so they could better handle expanding to their next level of success and empowerment.

Stuckness might look like having too many side gigs, clutter, bad habits or time wasters, relationships that no longer serve, or being unable say no to other projects or requests as you’re developing your dream work. There may be ways that self-care and health practices get put off or left behind. There can be triggers that show up regularly, that can be better addressed. Overthinking, second-guessing … these are easy to tame in a sacred coaching container.

What’s Next?
To get started, set a time for the Soul Fired Work Session. I will send the Soul Fired Work Questionnaire (takes ~30 minutes). Your responses will help me see how I can best support you. If I’m not the right fit, I’ll guide you toward a next best step.

If we’re aligned, get ready for an adventure in empowerment. Clients who have worked with me found not just the right career—then, the rest of life tends to get better. Things fall into place. Those areas of life that have been put off or back-burner-ed – are reclaimed. Life is short, right? The longer I live, the less time there seems to be, especially if I’m wasting it or avoiding that soul stuff!

🔹 Are you ready to step into the work you were meant to do?
Book a Complimentary Soul Fired Work Session (You save: $97)

One Client’s Dream Job Journey

“I’m doing the work I love, and contributing in the way I am meant to.”

I was feeling full of all kinds of ideas but really didn’t know what to do… I needed help to focus, and be accountable again . I was feeling a little deflated – the job market, my unique profession – and I was not finding my new work in Boulder or Colorado. You had a spiritual component that I was drawn to, and the work was holistic. That’s essential, and I was drawn to that and your openness. You never pushed one way or another; you just kept asking me the questions that helped me get to the creative place, to get me to the next level. Now I’m really in my element, love the northwest. I’m doing the work I love, and contributing in the way I am meant to. The work was really rich… heart and soul centered … phenomenal. I loved that you were so approachable and really knew what you were doing.

Sheila Tallmon, Children’s Camp Director, Seattle WA

Learn more about Denise Barnes

Learn more about Soul Fired Work coaching