Home Study
Soul Inspired Planning Secrets (SIPS) A home study course for connecting dreams with clear planning. Use the above link to order. $39, or $119 with coaching.
Practical and Intuitive Tools for Best Laid Plans (aka Guerrilla Planning Guide for Soul Creatives)
For Right-Brain-Heavy Business Folks: Healers, Artists, Coaches, Therapists, Authors
Who struggle getting things done – the important things!
Soul Inspired Planning Secrets is fun and effective. Finally- planning that makes your heart sing, your soul grin. This kit will empower you to use the genius you’re here to share! PDFs, audio and the bonus interview with Zen Habits author Leo Baubauta.
(Order this at the link above)
Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions
Clearing, Clarity and Healing
A spiritual healing session for those on the soul inspired path
These sessions can be helpful if:
- You would benefit from time to clear and gain insight about any challenges or decisions
- You feel there is a lot more potential than you are currently using in life or work
- You’d like to make to use more of your gifts, to increase your contribution
- You are facing challenges like with health, work, money, or relationship issues
- You can tell old programming is seriously holding you back in critical areas of life
- You want to live fully, and have few or no regrets from this life
View a sample gift certificate.
You can also purchase single sessions for $90, or 3 of these sessions for $225 for the holiday season. Just let me know the gift certificate recipients through email – denise at soulsavvy dot net,
or call 303-543.9315 to create a special package.
Intuitive Energy Healing |
Single consults for Meaningful Work / Passionate Life discovery sessions, can change lives. Often the insights can clarify a vision or next steps, and give a sense of hope about how to make progress in a dream that has been nagging at you.
For the holiday season, I am offering a 30% discount on usual prices for single sessions.
For gift certificates, put your recipients name in the “note to seller” box when you make your purchase. I will send you a gift certificate you can print right away.
Coaching in 2014
– Are you ready to revitalize your meaningful work, passion and income?
No pressure complimentary consults for those considering coaching with me starting in January. These appointments are for 12/30/13. If that date doesn’t work for you, email me / reply back with a date that works, and I will contact you with times. I have 3 openings (as of 12/16) for those ready to begin next month.
Meaningful Work-Passionate Life discovery session
Your next steps, for 2014’s golden and true direction for meaning work and joy-inducing income
Even without going forward with coaching, a session will bring gifts of clarity and movement that I’m happy to share.
These appointments are for 12/30/13 – if this date isn’t good for you – email denise at soulsavvy dot net with the subject line Coaching, and a date that would work for you. I look forward to connecting.
“Thank you for setting me out on a straight and proud path. When we worked together, your coaching noted that I should be an executive or a social worker, that I wanted to command a Healthy, sustaining salary, and I hoped to get married and have a baby. Three years later, it’s all here. Even though I couldn’t see how I’d get here at the time. I’m so grateful to you for opening me up to what I wanted to manifest.”
2013 FB message from former client