3) One on One work with Denise 

For more information about the benefits of working together, please see Services.

If you are ready to proceed, here are…


The individual work happens over the phone/Skype, or in my Boulder, CO office. Sessions are roughly an hour.

“You got me started on this work, that paved the way for me to do my life differently.”

 Intuitive Energy Healing

This is Intuitive Healing work that looks at your healing themes and learning zones across time. I studied with third generation psychic Anamari McNamara.

Soul Health Upgrade – Learn more about the Intuitive Energy Healing work

Coaching, Therapy and Cancer Support 

The Quantum Leap package
 – combo Intuitive Healing and Coaching for increasing your soul work and contribution, and being well supported.
Learn more

You may have a good amount of clarity through having done Intuitive Energy Healing or other inner work, but you hit obstacles, or encounter confusion and fear, as you step up to do more.

On the soul path, growth and risk taking are continually demanded. At times, leaning into these edges can be exciting as hell. Yet they are also likely to push our buttons, and at times activate old trauma or grief.

The Quantum Leap Package combines Intuitive Healing with Coaching.  The Intuitive Energy Healing perspective that illuminates relevant history of your path, and takes care of anything left to heal or clear. Coaching support provides structure for momentum, and compassion for the remaining healing work that arises as you successfully stretch into the revised and updated path with heart.

Healing Beyond Words – Creative Arts Psychotherapy package
 – Learn more
– experiential therapy for deep healing work

Healing themes arise that have deep roots. CAT works fast because it works on the nonverbal and mind/body level to shift the painful patterns and support healthy foundations to create new neural pathways and more enlightened behaviors. Enlightened behaviors are those that help you stop repeating patterns that keep attracting problems and bad results in life.

Especially good for:

  • Those people so verbally skilled they can talk their way out of a … therapy session
  • The strong right brain people, healers, artists and other creatively inclined
  • Sensitive people who respond well to inner explorations like shamanic journeying
  • Those who have been working on a certain healing theme without making as much progress
  • Those who appreciate the value of rehearsing new behaviors and new growth edges

Healing through Adversity – Cancer Recovery package
 – learn more
– for spiritual survivors ready for renewal, post treatment

The Soul Savvy perspective posits that each person has unique reasons for their growth edges and challenges, partly related to their soul blueprint – the map of what they’re here to learn. This applies to cancer and any life/health challenge.  This can be an opportunity to heal and grow, make amends, and clarify next steps and actions that are important to take.

Denise has professionally supported cancer patients and loved ones since 1995, both with medical info navigation, emotional support and stress management.

This is a good fit if:

  • You are open and curious about your soul’s journey with cancer
  • You are not so sure death is what you previously thought
  • You wish to forgive and makes amends to self and others
  • You can see cancer’s hellish impact as well as its gifts
  • You wish to make the most of this opportunity for insight, inner work and next steps


NEXT STEPS: Follow the link above to learn more. When ready to apply for individual mentoring, contact me at denise at soulsavvy dot net, and I’ll send you a calendar for a complimentary Discovery Session to explore what would serve you.

Questions? Please email or call Denise at soulsavvy dot net, 303.543.9315.

Thank you. I look forward to a rich discussion about what matters most.

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