Profit’s Got a Brand New Bag

Today’s blog includes an Equinox audio gift where I share my Healthy Wealth equinox ritual. Perhaps it may inspire your own? Let’s chat on the blog about it. I feel good!! (Also see the James Brown sound track homework ; )

We’re going to have to create a new idea for profit. The old way indeed made profit a questionable entity. Old model corporations had one bottom line, and that was profit – not matter what the cost to people and planet.

Well last month I had one of those moments where I spontaneously changed my email signature. Mine became, People, Planet, Profit.

And now it seems I’m hearing that this is a new label. People,Planet, Profit has been named the the triple bottom line. Great minds think alike, eh? I know many of you spiritual entrepreneurs and creative change agents have always known this best practice. And still, profits may have been elusive or playing hard to get. Or one part of the triplet is dancing beautifully, while the other seems to have a wooden leg or some other major misstep going.

Your homework chillun – play this video of James Brown’s,

Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag, and dance to the new possibilities of your openness to profit’s help with your soul mission.

I know, you may feel silly. But just try it. Substitute “profit” for papa. And just start to imagine what your life would be like if Profit was you unabashed, healed friend.

For all of our higher good.

Extra credit – let your heart scream with joy, like the fans ; )


Your Equinox Gift, should you accept it


Below I give you a link for Lena Steven’s monthly shamanic forecast at The Power Path dot com. Here is an excerpt about today’s equinox:

“September 22: Fall Equinox is at 8:49 AM Mountain Daylight Time This is a great time to do a ritual or ceremony to honor something you are changing and releasing that comes from an old pattern from the past that still triggers and runs you. Choose something that you have been working on this month, something that has triggered you and sent you into reaction and work with it. It should also be something that you have identified as being in the way of moving forward and taking action. Ritualize it or symbolize it through writing or drawing or an object; burn, bury or destroy it, and then most importantly allow a new vision, energy and intention to fill you up. It is powerful to do something like this in a group, but at the least do it yourself.” From

In this audio I share my equinox ritual exploration points, and a chant for the ancestors. This has been the edge of my money work lately. May this inform your own definition of this transformational gateway – and may you walk forward with grace and ease.

P.S. It’s a bit scratchy, both technically and … my morning musician’s voice lol…

May you be blessed and prosper!


Killer Resources Section



The Power Path monthly forecast

Lena Stevens of The Power Path dot com – shamanic forecaster, with September’s kickass report.

Notice how many times the word ‘support’ appears. It really is the end of that light worker DIY myth (do it yourself).


Emmanuel / Daily inspirational messages

Recently I re-connected with the teachings of Emmanuel. Kindly grandfather of the channeled kind. Here is a website that features a daily quote from him, and a sample for ya.


If only the mind would release its hold, your hearts would have no difficulty in embracing every aspect of the human journey. You see, dear Ones, you sit squarely in the center of All-That-Is and nothing, absolutely nothing, can remove you from that spot.

‘What of death?’ asks fearful mind. ‘Death is the end, there is no more.’

But, dear mind, from the center of Now, all things are ever-present. The drama of life allows for the experience of birth and death, but the curtain of illusion falls readily and the actors leave the stage and continue on. If this be not so, then what of the miracle of spring?


How was your ritual? What did the ancestors say? Join us below with your thoughts and experiences!


Big-hearted equinox hugs,


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