Soul Inspired Planning Secrets (SIPS):
Practical and Intuitive Tools for Best Laid Plans
aka Guerrilla Planning Guide for Soul Creatives
Right-Brain-Heavy Business Folks: Healers, Artists, Coaches, Therapists, Authors
Do you struggle getting things done – the important things?
Are you clear on the “mission” but lost in the sauce – re: the day to day planning?
Soul Inspired Planning Secrets makes planning fun – and effective!
Finally- planning that makes your heart sing, your soul grin, and empowers you to use the genius you’re here to share!
What turns a circling creative into a productive world changer? A plan that is tied to your most important Self. A plan grounded in what you really came here to do. And simple whole brain tips to translate that – to day to day laser actions.
For those who take advantage of the Soul Inspired Planning Secrets program – there’s often a sizeable shift:
- A huge sigh of relief after updating your sense of the “big rocks” or large priorities on your soul path right now
- Better flow, more groundedness, and a serious refreshment of meaning and purpose in your work and life
- More fun and artful living that comes from clearly navigating your soul’s mission amidst life’s details
- Clarity and fast decision making that keeps you attending to your best genius work and next steps
If you’re a creative “right-brain heavy” business person – a healer, author, coach, artist or therapist – it’s often a struggle to stay in touch with what’s most important to complete today, never mind having a plan for the quarter or year. Productivity remains a mystery you’ve yet to solve in a way that spells “fun at work”.
If you’ve trashed a wasteland of time management and planning systems that didn’t fit for you – welcome to the club. It’s hard to find a system that works, that doesn’t leave you standing at the end of a workday wondering what the heck happened.
You may have a more “creative” approach to time management and productivity; you’re not so much the left brain nerd. At times you can multi-task like a whirling dervish. But a fair amount of things on the goal list don’t seem to change. And the personal goals are often left until the end of the day or week, even when they really needed.
Time is limited. You are here for a reason – and it’s not … quite … activated in all it’s glory yet. Yet some make this work.
The main reasons people get stuck with planning mastery are threefold.
1) Half of your being hasn’t bought into this system you’re using – that would be your right brain. The fun guy/gal.
2) You could be needing some help re-/naming the big dream, and translating that into daily and weekly tasks.
3) There could be some past unfinished business that is influencing your planning and possibly muddying up the works.
The good news is, if you involve your creative and intuitive side, the extra magic from this voice will inspire – and hone – your planning. What a sign of relief to be on track, to be clear and organized! With time, this can move you along on that creative continuum, to the point where you’re having so much fun with the work day you start doing the snoopy dance.
It’s amazing what can happen!
Announcing SIPS: Soul Inspired Planning Secrets
The Soul Inspired Planning Secrets program first gives you the opportunity to check for any unfinished business and energetic leftovers that may be weighing too heavy or adding a negative influence to your clarity.
Next, you’ll get the logical side of your brain to make a plan. Fine – that’s a no-brainer, heh heh. Then – you’ll gather the amazing and ofte crazy-wise input of the right brain/intuitive side.
The “secrets” part? Finally you will pull together, and translate this gold from both-sides-brain into a manageable palette of a clear plan – clear next steps – that has the blessing of your whole brain, your whole self, and your soul mission. You’ll leave with a simple system to plan your days, and a way to check how this system is working as you progress – so you can keep getting better at planning and fine-tuning your work day habits.
Your treasure map will be restored. It’s kind of like in the movie The Hobbit, where there was a missing piece of the map that was only activated when the first quarter moon shone upon it? Yeah. SIPS will get all of your soul treasure map fleshed out, so you feel confident and joyful heading to Dragon mountain. I mean working on what’s most important to your soul mission. Ah, your heart is at ease, and yes – spontaneous giggling and dancing may result.
I’ve tried every time management system known to man – or many of them. How do I know this will work for me?
I too have tried many different systems, read many books and even worshiped a few productivity gurus – one that I thought was the next incarnation of Buddha. But they didn’t include some of the critical elements like the intuitive input from your right brain. Or the clearing work. Those who are here on a soul mission are often less “logical” overall. You don’t need complex or fancy tools. You just need simple, clear concepts you can creatively customize. And you need the mind and the heart – the intelligence and the soul wisdom to speak. With a bit of healing spice added.
If you are really ready to have this frustration with effective progress come to and end, and get your flight plan clarified – and you’re willing to put a few hours into this – this could be better than sliced bread. Gluten free and everything …
See, if you go all about your planning with just the logical side of yourself, and you haven’t gotten right brain input, that muse-zone can derail or sabotage best laid plans. It certainly will feel left out, and be pouting on the sidelines. Better you put it on the payroll, officially speaking. It might even have some better ideas for your big picture. Plus, it adds fun and mystery often. Soul renegades need this!
The guarantee allows you thirty days to test SIPS, and if it’s not a fit, there is a “no questions asked” refund policy.
How much time is actually needed before I hit the snoopy dance zone?
Snoopy dance count down is estimated to be two to four hours into the SIPS program – though it’s based on a number of factors. If you’ve been working your priorities for some time, and just needing a revamp, you could be there fast. Plus you’ll have the intuitive gumption added. If things are a bit more rusty regarding the elements of pleasure and work that you want to master, it might take more time. Try a couple of hour long or 90 minute sessions (the audio is divided into three parts, for 75 min total time), to get your plan in place. Then take a week to test and customize the time templates, so they really work to keep you moving. You could be dancing in no (or a relatively short amount of) time.
Do you have an app for this?
Not yet – but talk to me if you have ideas. If you are using digital scheduling system, you can use the forms provided (pdf, word) to adapt to your system. Or you might add a little ingenious “paper work” before you plug tasks into your phone/computer.
What’s included in the SIPS program?
The basic level of SIPS is a four part program. Each part has an audio recording, and a written guide. You’ll play with practical and more mystical, experiential steps to holistic planning. The audios can be replayed, and hold sacred space for you to explore intuitive intelligence, and do the healing work. There are planning documents and templates to create a customized map for your next month, quarter or year.
The deluxe version of SIPS provides you with a coaching session for any number of additional questions that may arise. You may benefit from help for the logical planning part. You might wish to compare notes on decoding your intuition’s input. You might want to delve a bit deeper into the healing work. Denise’s training as a coach, licensed therapist and intuitive is uniquely suited to give you what you need – and more.
How does the customizing part work?
There are templates for your Master projects list, a Three Big Projects list, a Weekly task list and a Daily task tracking sheet. You’ll be able to tweak these as needed to fit your needs. The planning models will give you food for thought so you can pull out the most relevant teachings that are most useful for you. We recommend you test your system for a week – compare your well laid plan, to what actually happens in your day. Snoopy dancing can follow from there.
Details: Each of the four sections includes audio recordings and written guides.
- Section I: Clearing Regrets and Past Challenges
How regrets or leftovers from the past can interfere with clear plans Resources for further support
Experiential exercise and song to bring your inner wisdom to any regrets
- Section II: Current models for simple, effective planning
Realistic limits to what’s manageable, Prioritizing goals, SMART goals
Harnessing the energy of visualizing “unlimited resources”
Naming 5 – 6 goal areas
- Section III: Visiting the Voice of Intuition
Adding the intuitive, soul drenched wisdom to your plans
The Miracle Question visualization as a guide to prioritizing life areas
Intuition’s addition to your goal areas – surprise, surprise!
- Section IV: Templates for Your Treasured Future
Where the Right and Left Brain Rubber Meet the Road
Creating and customizing your planning binder (forms)
The High Value Action practice
More in depth Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about planning. One person said, “This could be a program in itself”.
Interview with Leo Babauta of Zen Habits dot net.
Leo Babauta is a well respected blogger and productivity expert who has a fascinating story. I appreciate his kind and gentle inspiration, and the heartful common / uncommon sense he shares with the world through his blog. Plus, he’s honest about failing a LOT along the way.
In this 52 minute interview, we cover:
- Best ways to prepare for change – or not!
- Confessing your plans – the support in accountability
- The question of working with one goal or several at a time
- How to use failure in a positive way
- The new “no goals” experiment Leo’s embarked upon
- How to start your dream job, even when you’re not sure what to do first
- The no risk approach to increasing genius work and finding your passion
If within thirty days you use this product and are not pleased, your money will be refunded, no questions asked. Just don’t let it languish friend – use this baby. It wants to work for you. It wants to make you feel like dancing!
What people are saying about Soul Inspired Planning Secrets:
Who would have thought that by doing a planning program I would have healed some old hurts that have been affecting my confidence for years! In doing the Regrets works, I was able to let go and clear out a situation that was definitely affecting my ability to do my calling. Wow, what a relief! The planning just flew after that. My intuition did boot out a few of my ideas, which was probably realistic. I was able to easily modify the program to fit my needs and created a plan that works for me. Thanks Denise!
Karen DeBolt, Loving Relationships coach, Hillsboro, Oregon
For soul savvy subscribers, the cost of the SIPS tooklkit is $39 ($10 off)
And you can order the deluxe version of the SIPS program for $119, which includes a 40 minute coaching session.
The coaching session will give you more intelligence for any number of additional questions that may arise. You may benefit from help for the logical planning part or tying together the three areas of planning, intuition and healing. You might wish to compare notes on decoding your intuition’s input. You might want to delve a bit deeper into the healing work. You might want to clarify various elements of your soul mission as it appears now. Denise’s training as a coach, licensed therapist and intuitive is uniquely suited to give you what you need – and more.
YES! … If that is what you’re saying, (did I hear that voice?) If you feel that intuitive nudge – don’t second guess it.
Just use the PayPal form below. You do not have to have a PayPal account. You will receive the SIPS program immediately once you have sent your payment through your receipt. (Contact me for alternate payment methods – denise at soulsavvy dot net).
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